"I can't read my own code. If it stops working, I basically have to start over."
Interesting things said in my presence
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other categories found with "bad-ideas": food (25), sadness (23), stupidity (20), badness (17), gradschool (16)
[ sort: date / rating, ↑ ↓ ]
[edit] added: 28 December 2014
(23:34:45) vigneshv: 140 px :D
(23:34:54) firespeaker: vigneshv: I can think of words longer than that
(23:35:01) firespeaker: I have some 153px words
(23:35:17) sushain: (10:35:00 PM) firespeaker: I have some 153px words <- wait, was that random?
(23:35:30) sushain: or do you actually have a 153px word
(23:35:30) firespeaker: i.e., not a good measure of word-length ;)
(23:35:33) sushain: LOL
(23:35:34) sushain: ok
(23:35:35) vigneshv: ill change
(23:35:40) firespeaker: point made? ;)
[edit] added: 11 November 2013
[11:42] <tw2113> did you scale it down to just 1 user ID?
[11:42] <jonorthwash> I suppose I could do that
[11:42] <tw2113> via something like phpmyadmin
[11:42] * jonorthwash whips up a query
[11:42] <tw2113> or if you're fancy, sequelpro
[11:42] <jonorthwash> real men telnet to the mysql port
[11:43] <Limp_Trizkit> telnet to the mysql port? psssh. real men open the DB files in a hex editor
[11:43] <myosotis> hex editors are just a crutch for stream editor n00bs
[11:43] <tw2113> i read my mysql databases in binary
[edit] added: 30 June 2013
"But they're Russian tourists—they'll drink anything. It was probably petrol."
[edit] added: 19 February 2013
"Theremin ensemble? That sounds like the definition of Hell."
[edit] added: 16 December 2012
(21:39:17) firespeaker: but it's worth seeing what the people who've spent time on this think
(21:39:23) spectie: aye
(21:39:25) firespeaker: "particles" is probably not the way to go
(21:39:41) spectie: "particle" stands for "defeat"
[edit] added: 6 December 2012
(13:40:56) spectre: there is a special place in hell
(13:41:04) spectre: for linguists who design orthographies with the ' character
(13:41:53) spectre: (a) letters, (b) punctuation
(13:41:58) spectre: and ne'er the twain shall meet
[edit] added: 24 July 2011
(18:05:32) zfe: also tomorrow i'm getting on a boat
(18:05:38) zfe: and a turk will be driving
(18:05:43) zfe: which feels extremely wrong
(18:05:56) zfe: like i get invited by spectie and he cooks me spaghetti
(18:06:13) zfe: or i don't know, vietnam invading usa
(18:06:19) zfe: it really looks upside down
(18:06:27) zfe: a turk and an italian on a boat
(18:06:30) zfe: and the turk is driving
[edit] added: 24 July 2011
(17:24:59) ragib: in fact, I'm bangladeshi
(17:26:53) zfe: are there still tigers there?
(17:34:52) ragib: yes, the royal bengal tiger :D
(17:37:25) zfe: cool
(17:42:24) zfe: can you privately own one
(17:42:28) zfe: in bangladesh?
(17:45:47) ragib: zfe, no i guess
(17:46:16) zfe: :(
(17:46:21) zfe: i wanted to be like scarface
(17:46:23) zfe: in bangladesh
(17:46:24) zfe: my villa
(17:46:27) zfe: my tiger
(17:46:27) ragib: oh
(17:46:29) zfe: my cocaine addict wife
(17:46:31) zfe: :(
(17:46:46) firespeaker: zfe: first you have to join the mafia though
(17:46:57) firespeaker: ... *be* the mafia
(17:46:59) ragib: hm
(17:47:18) zfe: "be" is more proper
(17:47:30) firespeaker: I suspect if you were that rich, you probably could own a tiger
(17:47:47) TinoDidriksen: Legally, only if you build a zoo.
(17:47:50) firespeaker: whatever laws exist could be avoided by payments to the right officials
(17:48:01) firespeaker: TinoDidriksen: I'm not talking legally
(17:48:08) firespeaker: TinoDidriksen: this is Bangladesh we're talking about
(17:48:19) TinoDidriksen: True true
(17:48:23) zfe: well, buying a zoo license
(17:48:30) zfe: is not that expensive probably
(17:48:41) firespeaker: zfe: but there would probably be restrictions associated with it
(17:48:46) firespeaker: like letting people in to see your tiger
(17:48:52) zfe: sure
(17:48:58) zfe: but who told you i will keep the tiger in a cage?
(17:49:14) zfe: food for tiger √
[edit] added: 20 June 2011
(05:56:07) zfe: Turk dil kurumu
(05:56:22) zfe: the national association for screwing up turkish
(05:56:30) zfe: i can see their building from my window
(05:56:34) zfe: and every day i spend 20-30mins
(05:56:46) zfe: thinking how i could drive a boing 737
(05:56:49) zfe: in their offices
[edit] added: 10 March 2011
"I touch things and their technological valence goes back a decade. Like one time, I got into a tractor and it turned into a plough. I make Priuses disappear."
[edit] added: 10 February 2011
"What we need is a friendly rogue nation."
[edit] added: 31 January 2011
"I think hung over driving, while not as dangerous as drunk driving, is probably at least as non-productive. The other day I sat at stop sign through two songs waiting for it to turn green."
[edit] added: 16 January 2011
CB: "There's one rule about language comparison—"
Niko: "Don't trust a Russian?"
[edit] added: 18 January 2010
(23:37:02) Sarah: Is it bad that I want to take parts of Anne Rice's erotica, copy and paste it into a note on my Facebook, and tag my extremely conservative friends?
[edit] added: 6 December 2009
(15:15:10) Өвгөнхүү: it'll b jank, but desperate times call for duct tape snakes
[edit] added: 14 September 2009
Jonathan: "Dude, I have a girlfriend."
Sod: "Yeah, but still."
[edit] added: 26 February 2009
(20:47:07) Michael T: well every dictionary needs a little chuvash
(20:47:08) Michael T: that's a feature
[edit] added: 16 December 2008
(17:35:25) Michael T: i wonder if you can make eggnog from mayo
[edit] added: 18 October 2008
(21:58:30) Hannah: dude, i get nutrition. not when i eat mac&cheese, though :P
[edit] added: 29 September 2008
Jonathan: "I mean, in Kazakhstan a cellphone is like a toothbrush, but in America, it's more like a bicycle."
Michael: "I donno, I knew some people in Kazakhstan who didn't brush their teeth, but you can bet they had a phone."
[edit] added: 23 August 2008
"Do you know what I would've done to have a digging tool that went this deep when I was a kid?"
[edit] added: 22 July 2008
(13:28:05) Brenda: can i be a subject? i promise i have a highly unique dialect in Kyrgyz
[edit] added: 25 June 2008
(13:21:56) kesuari: i am not sure if i am nervous, excited or simply feeling the effects of a can of coke i drank so i would be unsure if i was nervous, excited or simply feeling the effects of a can of coke
(13:22:24) kesuari: i second-guess myself all the time
[edit] added: 17 June 2008
(22:10:45) Sarah: Ha, I dye my hair pink and Becca calls going,"Come up to Learning Tech and apply to teach Spanish!"
[edit] added: 16 June 2008
(12:25:11) kesuari: living in the sun for billions of years after the earth has been destroyed and human life is extinguished would be pretty dodgy
[edit] added: 16 June 2008
(12:27:16) kesuari: so i'm perfectly content to live for, say, a million years and call it a day
(12:27:38) kesuari: hopefully i can contribute enough genetic code to the human race over that time that future generations are still backwards compatible
(12:27:50) kesuari: i've thought about this too much too
[edit] added: 9 June 2008
(18:14:29) Aladnsane: a cubic litre? Litre is a measurement of volume; at best, a cubic litre would be a round about way of saying litre per cubic... something? ;)
(18:14:54) [me]: no, a cubic litre is a five-dimensional measurement I made up :-P
(18:15:30) Aladnsane: whoa man, 5 dimensional alcohol quantities? now THAT is how you get messed up.
[edit] added: 5 June 2008
(04:01:06) Aladnsane: *shrug* Go to a college bar. Throw a rock. Whoever shouts 'ouch' is 10:1 to have an IQ between... 10 and 1.
[edit] added: 15 May 2008
(19:13:11) kesuari: well, i suppose they say one way to become a great artist is to copy everyone else
(19:13:26) kesuari: well, copy the great artists i mean
(19:13:37) kesuari: someone who wanted to paint well shouldn't copy any drawings i've done
[edit] added: 19 April 2008
To celebrate passover, i tried to make bread. Guess what? It didn't rise.
[edit] added: 10 April 2008
(11:18:41) kesuari: there's a corner of hell where people write Microsoft Office-style suites in TeX
[edit] added: 26 March 2008
"Well, it's like a protein bar."
[edit] added: 26 March 2008
(23:13:38) Colum: that friend of mine kept saying that "they are trying. English isn't their first language!" But you don't try it on your merchandise!
[edit] added: 19 March 2008
мен: "Таңга чейин чай иче алам."
Тралик: "Давай спор!"
[edit] added: 19 March 2008
Тралик: "Чай ичесиңби?"
мен: "Уф, жок, болдум."
Тралик: "Давай, паслений стакан."
мен: "Макул. Элүү грам."
[edit] added: 27 February 2008
(18:28:09) Jóhann: I sent such a corny email "What will it cost if someone stole this book" :P haha
(18:28:15) Jóhann: yeah, who the fuck is going to steal a book haha
[edit] added: 14 February 2008
(23:10:36) Jóhann: no thong?
(23:10:39) [me]: no
(23:10:54) [me]: but at the bazaar right next to the cards at one place they had a big pile of women's underwear
(23:11:04) [me]: probably including thongs; I didn't check
(23:11:10) Jóhann: im glad you didnt check
(23:11:42) [me]: why?
(23:13:44) Jóhann: because thats just perfectly normal for a guy who looks straight with red hair to go through a pile of women's underwear in a middle of an unorderly marketplace in Kyrgryzstan...nothing strange about that
[edit] added: 13 February 2008
(16:32:42) Jóhann: thank you so much for your referal !
(16:32:52) Jóhann: if i was there and gay, id give you a big kiss :D
[edit] added: 14 February 2008
(17:54:49) Brenda: a card is better than a red satin thong. i like you. you have class
(17:55:26) [me]: anyway, try giving a Central Asian girl a thong and see what happens
(17:55:40) [me]: actually, I'm not sure what would happen
(17:55:57) Brenda: she would floss with it
[edit] added: 12 February 2008
(00:15:30) Michael: i don't know what wp is
(00:15:47) Michael: ohh
(00:15:50) Michael: wikipedia
(00:16:21) Michael: i was like, word perfect? why would anyone rely on that. it's so 199-never
[edit] added: 24 December 2007
Jonathan: "Well, I mean, if you own land, and the value goes down, that's something you worry about, and you look to the cause."
Mandy: "Yeah, 'cause black people themselves actually make property values go down, just by standing there. Why don't we just shoot them all."
Jonathan: "Well, I'm not disagreeing with you guys—"
everyone: [jaws drop]
Jonathan: "Nono, that's not what I mean!"
[edit] added: 21 December 2007
(15:15:12) [anon1]: no CIA for you. better finish the PhD
(15:15:27) [anon2]: why do you keep denying me the government jobs?
(15:15:35) [anon2]: they must have a pretty interesting file on me already
(15:16:16) [anon1]: on me too i would imagine
(15:16:48) [anon1]: if we ever applied we would fail the background check -- they wouldn't have the energy to complete it! :)
[edit] added: 20 December 2007
(14:49:24) Brenda: it isn't that i don't care about consequences! i just usually don't think about them
(14:49:42) [me]: it seems to me more that you do think about them, you just honestly don't care about them
(14:49:54) Brenda: ok you're right
(14:49:57) Brenda: i don't
(14:50:12) Brenda: it's after i decide i don't care that i stop thinking about them
(14:50:26) Brenda: that way it can be a surprise when they happen! :)
[edit] added: 19 December 2007
(02:17:23) Aaron B: i wish i was the sky god
(02:17:32) Aaron B: i'd get tenure real fast
(02:17:45) Aaron B: "it says here on your CV that you're the Sky God?"
(02:17:49) Aaron B: "yeah, that's correct"
(02:17:53) Aaron B: BAM
(02:17:57) Aaron B: Tenure
[edit] added: 18 December 2007
"Yeah, it's like a bonus—if you've got hair that's fuzzy or warm, you should get that haircut, you know?"
[edit] added: 7 December 2007
(13:21:23) Brenda: don't listen to people in love!!! they always give bad advice
(13:21:42) Brenda: their brains go into deep freeze
(13:21:57) Brenda: it's like, tengri all over the frontal lobe, if you know what i mean
[edit] added: 27 November 2007
(06:20:41) kesuari: hang it on an article of clothing, hang that on the line near the tree, it'll be gone by tomorrow
[edit] added: 12 November 2007
me: "Do you know any numbers for a taxi to Karakol?"
all: "Taxi? Take a marshrutka. They're cheap and fast."
me: "Aren't taxis faster?"
Leo: "Yeah, but do you really want to go that fast?"
[edit] added: 3 November 2007
Tristan: "You should get that [dripping sink] fixed. And when the plumber comes, you should get him to fix the hot tap [in the bathroom] too."
Jonathan: "Yeah, maybe I'll call my landlord."
Tristan: "But he'll probably come and try to fix it himself."
Jonathan: "What gives you that impression?"
Tristan: "Just the over-hereness of this sort of place."
[edit] added: 31 October 2007
"I don't think they issue ethics approval based on whether it's more ethical than things that're more fun."
[edit] added: 26 October 2007
"I think back in Soviet times, the brake must've been on the steering wheel or something."
[edit] added: 5 September 2007
"You guys had lots of things growing up that other people had never heard of, like broccoli cookies."
[edit] added: 1 August 2007
(03:42:49) kesuari: nothing backs up like chiselling a great big stone
(03:43:57) kesuari: i sometimes reckon i should do that: go carving runes somewhere in the bush
(03:44:55) kesuari: not runes per se; i mean some form of phonetic alphabet that looks like runes and is similar enough to the latin alphabet or germanic runes to be decryptable
(03:45:17) kesuari: or maybe i'll do it a bit less phonetic just to give the future linguists a bit of fun
(03:45:43) kesuari: can't be too trivial or else i'll be the Orrm of the 21st century
[edit] added: 12 July 2007
Derek: "I think we should write in runes, and the British should write in Roman."
Jonathan: "What about the Australians?"
Derek: "… They can write in kanji."
[edit] added: 26 June 2007
"I hate the 4th of July—I'm always afraid someone will burn down my apartment. I have terrible neighbours. Not in my building, but within bottle-rocket distance."
[edit] added: 24 June 2007
(04:44:13) [me]: nz has more sheep/km² than china has people
(04:44:20) kesuari: indeed
(04:44:48) kesuari: this is the basis for why the chinese, in general, breed with other chinese; but new zealanders often breed with sheep.
[edit] added: 24 June 2007
(04:02:04) [me]: let's do sheep based on land area now
(04:02:43) [me]: Kazakhstan: 15'217'700 / 2,724,900 km²
(04:03:06) [me]: Kyrgyzstan: 5'264'000 / 199,900 km²
(04:03:11) [me]: oops
(04:03:16) [me]: I think I'm doing humans :-P
(04:03:52) kesuari: unless you're kiwi, that's what I'd expect you to "do"
[edit] added: 29 May 2007
"‘Venus’ and ‘venerial’ are related. Venus is the Goddess of love, and venerial diseases happen when you're looking for love in the wrong places."
[edit] added: 7 May 2007
"Well I'm gonna go watch atomic bombs. …Dude, they're pretty—it's too bad they suck."
[edit] added: 30 April 2007
(03:59:35) kesuari: how many ways does greek have of writing /i/!
(03:59:53) kesuari: it’s like the saw english "ough" and thought "hey, we can do that ... in reverse"
[edit] added: 25 April 2007
Joyce: "Now I'm really sorry for referring that woman to the Tlingit wikipedia article. It makes it sound terrifying."
Jonathan: "Why's it terrifying?"
Amy: "Because she's not a linguist, and every ejective possible doesn't sound like a good thing."
[edit] added: 23 April 2007
"Do not put your baby in front of my car."
[edit] added: 18 April 2007
Shyngys: "This is the first time I'm showing up late to this class, so it's okay."
Jonathan: "Yeah, but it was because of music."
Shyngys: "But it was Kazakh music, so it was worth it."
[edit] added: 15 April 2007
me, holding a can of Mountain Dew: "You know what would probably be good? This and orange juice."
Derek: "I donno man...."
me: "I mean it's green and orange—how can you go wrong with… oh, wait."
[edit] added: 13 April 2007
"But how will you know how to drive drunk unless you practice?"
[edit] added: 5 April 2007
(00:42:03) Derek: I found a way to explain language change to our students
(00:42:31) Derek: Languages start out cool and get less cool with time, unless the change involves gaining velars or uvulars
[edit] added: 21 March 2007
(05:34:00) kesuari: yeah. i get really bored when i’ve nothing to do; i simply can’t procrastinate from *nothing*
(05:34:13) kesuari: soon as you give me work, then *bamn* i’m not doing it
[edit] added: 21 March 2007
"Like, when I smoke in a public place, it's a private public place."
[edit] added: 19 March 2007
(03:14) cassowary: when the nouveau drivers are released, and i can get video out happening, i’ll plug my MS mouse back into my imac, and have an imac with a dell screen, a sun keyboard, and a microsoft mouse running linux. that will be fun :)
[edit] added: 19 February 2007
"Let me tell you, Chuck-for-the-buck is the best."
[edit] added: 11 February 2007
"Can you imagine going to the dentist and they're like ‘Our regular drill is broken today, so we're using a corkscrew instead’?"
[edit] added: 23 January 2007
(23:14:08) [Sarah]: Yeah...I can see me in Poland...I'll have to remember not to go out and get drunk.
[edit] added: 15 January 2007
(19:48:35) [Aladnsane]: Kosher slaughter generally seems a good idea to me. Simple. Effective. Not Traif.
[edit] added: 13 January 2007
"His father's like ‘Don't fly too close to the sun Icharus.’ And he's like ‘This freakin' rocks! Woohoo!’"
[edit] added: 13 January 2007
Meghan: "People used to throw batteries at me because they thought I was gay."
Julia: "And they thought you needed the batteries why?"
[edit] added: 16 January 2007
"So if you thought the answer was something other than two, and didn't say it because everyone else said ‘two’, that was probably a good idea."
[edit] added: 9 January 2007
(03:28:52) [me]: mkay, yeah, I need to pack
(03:29:03) Derek: psh
(03:29:04) Derek: whatever
(03:29:10) Derek: just throw it all in a ball
(03:29:14) Derek: duct tape it up
(03:29:19) Derek: and roll it on the plane
(03:29:30) Derek: if you tell them its a bomb, they work faster you know
[edit] added: 9 January 2007
my mother: "Did you put all your candy in a bag?"
me: "Nah, I just took some wrapping paper and put it all in there."
my mother: "But it's not a bag..."
me: "It's taped together though."
my mother: "But I taped it..."
[edit] added: 9 November 2006
"She was small enough to fit in my backpack, but I don't know if I could've gotten her through customs."
[edit] added: 9 October 2006
"Okay, be careful when you're going to the bathroom, cause we don't want toilet paper falling in the toilet."
[edit] added: 1 September 2006
18:14:37 kesuari: ummm. they have a holiday on the first day of classes?
18:14:56 kesuari: how can you have a day of classes on a holiday?
18:15:11 kesuari: isn’t that like going to work to celebrate a day off?
18:15:46 kesuari: soviets are weird.
[edit] added: 7 June 2006
"Are you sure we should be, like, mining for nuts in the ice-cream tub?"
[edit] added: 6 June 2006
"Basically, if you can read a double entendre into it, do it. No pun intended."
[edit] added: 27 May 2006
"Everybody does that to salads. It makes them look like they're bleeding."
[edit] added: 22 May 2006
"I had this wack dream where somehow we acquired a Soviet starship."
[edit] added: 11 May 2006
"IHOP serves shit, not breakfast. However, it is becoming increasingly tempting."
[edit] added: 9 May 2006
[edit] added: 4 May 2006
"Maybe you should implement the medieval system, where if one of the grad students misbehaves, they whip one of the undergrads."
[edit] added: 23 April 2006
I'll spare you my escapades of sleep-deprived monitor/keyboard plugging-in (let's just say it was like Who's On First), but:
[edit] added: 21 April 2006
"This tastes like melted lollipops."
[edit] added: 31 March 2006
06:23:30 [Laura]: I keep trying to glue the glasses back together, but superglue won't hold them.
06:25:39 [Laura]: i've tried twice, and i'll i've managed to do is glue everything to everything else that i don't want glued.
06:25:48 [Laura]: Like my hand to my mouse. That wasn't fun.
06:26:30 [Laura]: never get super glue on your fingers, and then click on your mouse.
[edit] added: 27 February 2006
19:14:50 [Laura]: then pay 15 bucks for a cheap haircut, and have them save the hair.
19:15:01 [Laura]: You can braid it and put it on your wall.
19:15:07 [Laura]: That would be really creepy.
19:15:09 [Laura]: Don't do that.
19:15:24 [Laura]: mail it to people.
[edit] added: 7 February 2006
21:08:53 [me]: well, I thought "file has vanished" was an interesting way of informing me of it
21:09:09 [oberon]: Well, as far as rsync was concerned, that's what happened
21:09:20 [oberon]: one minute there's a file, the next minute there's not a file
21:09:43 [me]: yeah
21:09:49 [me]: I suppose that could be called vanishing
21:09:51 [oberon]: Would you prefer "file has committed glorious harikari, and will ride the divine wind to its 70 virgins"?
21:11:07 [me]: heh
21:11:08 [me]: yes
21:11:44 [oberon]: So go edit the rsync source =P
21:11:50 [oberon]: or even the binary
21:11:54 [oberon]: just ask grep...
21:12:21 [me]: nah
21:12:28 [me]: I already don't trust rsync
21:12:31 [oberon]: lol
21:12:32 [me]: not going to screw with its binary
21:17:27 [oberon]: Am I the only one who thinks that 70 number is kinda arbitrary?
21:17:33 [oberon]: I've always sorta wondered about that
21:17:43 [oberon]: I mean, it's not like they're all useful at once
21:18:07 [oberon]: The sort of thing you do with virgins is not something you can do with 70 without engineered infrastructure and supports
21:18:37 [oberon]: Is the next verse of the Qu'aran something about "and you will also receive a house so large, it requires 65 people to keep it clean?"
21:31:26 [oberon]: That's still counting on an awful lot of women to die virgins
21:31:34 [oberon]: And I don't think infant mortality counts here
21:34:05 [oberon]: Maybe 70 is just an average
21:34:09 [oberon]: and it's really determined by annual ratios
21:34:47 [oberon]: so, like, if you have a string of really unsexy years, 'cause the plague hits or the 70s happen or something, you get more virgins, so everyone gets 71.2 or something
21:35:47 [oberon]: So it's more like "I got 70 virgins*" and then in fine print: "*results not typical. Actual results may vary. Consult your doctor before..."
[edit] added: 26 August 2005
me: "How far back is his Cornish ancestry?"
my father: "Five or six generations."
me: "So he's got a lot of other stuff mixed in then?"
my father: "I wouldn't count on it."
me: "How inbred is he?!"
Hannah: "That's how he got that colour hair."
[edit] added: 22 August 2005
"If we could put the bathroom out in the carport, we wouldʼve done it a long time ago."
[edit] added: 4 July 2005
"Worf, you're a Klingon. What's a little genocide in the name of self defense?"
[edit] added: 4 July 2005
"Laura, no fucking fire."
[edit] added: 14 March 2005
(05:04:45) Jess: no one's as bad as you
(05:04:58) [me]: yeah, I think I might even hold records
(05:05:13) [me]: one paper due in february turned in the day grades were due in may
(05:05:29) [me]: another final paper turned in early the next semester
(05:06:06) Jess: yep
(05:06:15) Jess: you get the procrastinator award
[edit] added: 13 March 2005
Jonathan: "That's a lot of rice."
Matt: "Yeah.."
Jonathan: "So I'll put a lot of corn on it."
[edit] added: 11 March 2005
"Dem totns gelt. I'd like to get my hands on dem totns gelt, yo?"
[edit] added: 11 March 2005
Jackendoff: "Somebody washed [the board] with something wrong."
McIntosh: "Well, I wanna wash it with them."
[edit] added: 2 March 2005
"Guys, I have a get rich slow scheme. Okay, owning a cellar is a lot cheaper than owning a vinyard..."
[edit] added: 27 February 2005
Jonathan: "Чё готовишь? [What're you making?]"
Vickie: "Cauliflower."
Jonathan: "С яйцами? [With eggs?]"
Vickie: "Yep."
Jonathan: "И с флафом?! [And with marshmallow fluff?!]"
Vickie: "Yep. And with paprika and Tony's."
[edit] added: 15 January 2005
(01:26:33) Aaron B: let's focus here
(01:26:38) Aaron B: ihop
(01:26:43) Aaron B: we need to get a car
(01:26:56) Jonor Thwash: we could steal and hotwire one?
(01:27:09) Aaron B: yes!
(01:27:11) Aaron B: oh wait
(01:27:14) Aaron B: that's a "bad" idea
[edit] added: 22 November 2004
"Why would I want to be in a commercial? I mean, I could run around naked on the roof of Ziv and say 'Hey, look, I'm that guy in the police logs,' but that also has no appeal."
[edit] added: 14 November 2004
Vickie: "Vickie am hungry."
oberon: "Vickie am go in closet."
[edit] added: 10 November 2004
(08:34:57) Laura C: I accidently lit my pencil on fire
(08:35:03) Laura C: And now it won't work.
(08:36:52) [me]: what kind of pencil
(08:37:05) Laura C: mechanical.
(08:37:20) Laura C: I wanted to see what happened if you lit the lead on fire.
(08:37:29) Laura C: except i caught the plastic on fire
(08:37:39) Laura C: and the top part kinda melted off.
(08:38:46) Laura C: And the peice of lead is completley covered in melted plastic.
(08:39:13) Laura C: BUT I CAN STILL WRITE WITH IT!
(08:39:33) [me]: I thought you said it didn't work?
(08:39:51) Laura C: Well, the tip of the piece of lead pokes through the plastic
(08:39:57) Laura C: So i can technically still write with it
(08:40:28) Laura C: But it's not like i can reverse the damage i did. When that peice of lead is through, it'll be completley broken.
(08:47:54) Laura C: this is the coolest pencil EVER
(08:48:56) Laura C: It's now more like an abstract art idea of a pencil
(08:50:30) Laura C: It's all twisted and seperated
[Jonathan continues to add quote to quotes page]
(08:50:51) Laura C: DAMNIT, You're making me seem like an insane crazy pyro who always burns shit at 8 in the morning.
(08:52:00) [me]: well...
(08:52:20) Laura C: shhh
[edit] added: 9 November 2004
Peter: "Did you know they sell birthday candles at the C-store?"
Jonathan: "Yeah, I think I saw that."
Peter: "... Wanna light some?"
[Peter fiddles with a box of candles he pulled out of pocket]
[edit] added: 9 November 2004
"The throbbing in your heart? It doesn't go there..."
[edit] added: 8 November 2004
Nat: "Look at the specs; it turns out that a lot of the examples out there are wrong. I had a lot of trouble until I checked the specs."
Jonathan: "Well, I looked at your code."
Nat: "Don't look at my code—I looked at your code!"
[edit] added: 7 November 2004
Jonathan: "You know what? Actually, I could just give you an account on my box, you could ssh in, run vmware via X-forwarding, and---"
Nat: "Uhm, Jonathan, that sounds like one of the slowest ideas for computing ever. Plus it'd be over encrypted wireless, which adds even more layers."
[edit] added: 31 October 2004
"Vicke, whoring out your boyfriend for your own amusement is not a good idea."
[edit] added: 29 September 2004
"We have a problem with marijuana in this building, mostly down at that end, but if you know anything about it, please tell me. Even if you're doing it and I don't notice, but you know someone else who is, rat them out."
[edit] added: 5 May 2004
Kesuari: no law against oberon having good ideas. and even if there were, it's a good law to disobey once in a while.
[edit] added: 5 May 2004
[oberon eats cheddar goldfish with chocolate frosting (with real butter)]
"This is making me sick."
[edit] added: 13 April 2004
"Let's google Lemur noises."
[edit] added: 14 March 2004
"No, you don't need Word Perfect 6...No, you don't need 5.1 either!"
[edit] added: 14 March 2004
"No, you can't transfer files from the ColecoVision Adam anymore."
[edit] added: 12 February 2004
"There are certain parts of my body I can't balance a book on."
[edit] added: 26 January 2004
"My mittens I can totally type with them on"
[edit] added: 14 January 2004
(17:51:53) Aarón: that would be an interesting study
(17:51:58) Aarón: how sarcasm is denoted in text
(17:54:20) Aarón: how many weeks are there in the semester?
[edit] added: 17 December 2003
Jonathan: "That peppermint ice cream would probably be good with some of those mint hershey's kisses melted and dribbled on top."
Hannah: "Ugh.. ... Mmmm...."
[edit] added: 22 November 2003
"Well, you can actually navigate the steam pipes I'm told. You just have to figure out when which ones fire—No, I'm serious; people have done this."
[edit] added: 6 November 2003
Peter, rummaging through the food drawer at work: "Ooh, coffee beans. Those will keep me awake in class. Do you think they're caffeinated?"
me: " ... Probably. I mean, why would Dave have coffee in the office if it weren't caffeinated?"
Peter: "How many do I need?"
me, Adam: [laughter] "Uhm, Peter...."
Peter: [humbled voice] "I'm serious."
[edit] added: 20 October 2003
"Mm. Chicken-fried doughnut."
[edit] added: 30 August 2003
[Kathryn is vegan]
Laura: "I should spray some squirt cheese at you. We could fill a watergun with it."
Kathryn: "I'm sorry, I don't think that has any dairy products at all in it."
Jonathan: "You could always melt a block of cheddar and put that in a watergun."
Laura: "But then it would get hard."
Kathryn: "And that would destroy the watergun."
[edit] added: 19 August 2003
"That ad is a nightmare—I can't imagine quilting toilet-paper for a living."
[edit] added: 18 June 2003
(02:54:29) [Shreyas]: i better eat soon
(02:54:36) [Shreyas]: i'm trying to reset my sleep cycle
(02:55:03) [me]: I should sleep soon, myself
(02:55:14) [me]: I didn't get enough sleep last night so napped today
(02:55:16) [me]: big mistake
(02:55:19) [me]: now I'm wide awake
(02:55:28) [me]: and have class in 5 and a half hours
(02:55:38) [me]: well, not *wide* awake
(02:55:46) [Shreyas]: crazy
(02:55:53) [me]: I had a tired spell around 12:30 when my sugar crashed from snacking on fig bars
(02:55:56) [Shreyas]: yeah, you should sleep
(02:56:07) [Shreyas]: that's probably a way to do it
(02:56:15) [Shreyas]: you could sugar crash again
(02:56:19) [Shreyas]: and sleep then
(02:56:24) [me]: I'm out of fig bars
(02:56:32) [Shreyas]: maple syrup?
[edit] added: 10 June 2003
(23:19:24) oberon: BTW, speaking of Gentoo -- portage is coming to OSX!
(23:19:43) firespeaker: so you're going to be running portage + apt on OSX?
(23:19:49) oberon: no
(23:19:54) oberon: portage + apt + darwinports
(23:20:17) oberon: Yeah, if you wanna see a stable OSX box...find someone else's =P
(23:20:26) oberon: Oh, let's not forget all the libs I custom-compile.
(23:20:39) oberon: It's Debia-Gent-Mac O-Slackware!
[edit] added: 5 June 2003
(17:12:07) [me]: I have a new haircut too, but it's pretty normal for me. just shorter than most people are used to
(17:13:40) [Sarah]: lol. the jonathan. i think we should market it that way
[edit] added: unknown
"I'm not writing it from a user's standpoint; I'm writing it from an author's standpoint."