(17:24:59) ragib: in fact, I'm bangladeshi
(17:26:53) zfe: are there still tigers there?
(17:34:52) ragib: yes, the royal bengal tiger :D
(17:37:25) zfe: cool
(17:42:24) zfe: can you privately own one
(17:42:28) zfe: in bangladesh?
(17:45:47) ragib: zfe, no i guess
(17:46:16) zfe: :(
(17:46:21) zfe: i wanted to be like scarface
(17:46:23) zfe: in bangladesh
(17:46:24) zfe: my villa
(17:46:27) zfe: my tiger
(17:46:27) ragib: oh
(17:46:29) zfe: my cocaine addict wife
(17:46:31) zfe: :(
(17:46:46) firespeaker: zfe: first you have to join the mafia though
(17:46:57) firespeaker: ... *be* the mafia
(17:46:59) ragib: hm
(17:47:18) zfe: "be" is more proper
(17:47:30) firespeaker: I suspect if you were that rich, you probably could own a tiger
(17:47:47) TinoDidriksen: Legally, only if you build a zoo.
(17:47:50) firespeaker: whatever laws exist could be avoided by payments to the right officials
(17:48:01) firespeaker: TinoDidriksen: I'm not talking legally
(17:48:08) firespeaker: TinoDidriksen: this is Bangladesh we're talking about
(17:48:19) TinoDidriksen: True true
(17:48:23) zfe: well, buying a zoo license
(17:48:30) zfe: is not that expensive probably
(17:48:41) firespeaker: zfe: but there would probably be restrictions associated with it
(17:48:46) firespeaker: like letting people in to see your tiger
(17:48:52) zfe: sure
(17:48:58) zfe: but who told you i will keep the tiger in a cage?
(17:49:14) zfe: food for tiger √