(02:54:29) [Shreyas]: i better eat soon
(02:54:36) [Shreyas]: i'm trying to reset my sleep cycle
(02:55:03) [me]: I should sleep soon, myself
(02:55:14) [me]: I didn't get enough sleep last night so napped today
(02:55:16) [me]: big mistake
(02:55:19) [me]: now I'm wide awake
(02:55:28) [me]: and have class in 5 and a half hours
(02:55:38) [me]: well, not *wide* awake
(02:55:46) [Shreyas]: crazy
(02:55:53) [me]: I had a tired spell around 12:30 when my sugar crashed from snacking on fig bars
(02:55:56) [Shreyas]: yeah, you should sleep
(02:56:07) [Shreyas]: that's probably a way to do it
(02:56:15) [Shreyas]: you could sugar crash again
(02:56:19) [Shreyas]: and sleep then
(02:56:24) [me]: I'm out of fig bars
(02:56:32) [Shreyas]: maple syrup?