"How'd we get on the ceiling? Did you pay the gravity bill?" [ view | more ]



Interesting things said in my presence

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(you'll need a firespeaker.org account to rate quotes)

Category: insults


most quoted re "insults": Jonathan North Washington (30), other (18), Tristan Alexander McLeay (7), Abe Solomon (4), oberon (3)

other categories found with "insults": compliments (21), sadness (16), linguistics (16), computers (12), language (11)

Viewing 62 of 1473 Result(s)
[ sort: date / rating, ↓ ]

[link] heard: 8 July 2020
[edit] added: 2 April 2024

(18:54:03) khannatanmai: I guess if we struggled with ambiguity in daily life, language would be pretty inefficient

(18:54:13) spectie: khannatanmai: welcome to firespeaker's world ;DDD

[comment] [rate] no rating

[link] heard: 16 May 2017
[edit] added: 16 May 2017

[22:37:24] <selimcan> <firespeaker> need to upgrade my firmware. bbiam

[22:37:34] <selimcan> didn't know firespeaker was a bionic

[22:39:48] <fotonzade> selimcan, they're slowly replacing all americans actually

[22:41:23] <selimcan> ola bilir

[comment] [rate] no rating

[link] heard: 15 January 2015
[edit] added: 15 January 2015

(00:09:56) firespeaker: there's so much win in git

(00:10:07) firespeaker: and there's like two or three big fails

(00:10:21) vigneshv: SVN is the opposite :P

[comment] [rate] no rating

[link] heard: 27 December 2014
[edit] added: 27 December 2014

(01:51:13) sushain: .g xkcd workflow

(01:51:13) begiak: sushain: http://xkcd.com/1172/

(01:51:18) sushain: google is magic

(01:51:26) firespeaker: so is begiak

(01:51:38) sushain: begiak is like a grumpy old wizard

(01:51:48) sushain: sometimes it doesn't even try

[comment] [rate] no rating

[link] heard: 5 January 2014
[edit] added: 5 January 2014

(18:01:23) firespeaker: (isn't lexc a mess?)

(18:01:26) sushain: yes

(18:01:30) sushain: all those newlines

(18:01:43) firespeaker: it's amazingly easy to work with though

(18:01:47) sushain: I can´t believe spectie didn´t add braces :P

in reference to spectie using "# {" and "# }" in python code blocks
insanity, programming, insults
[comment] [rate] no rating

[link] heard: 15 March 2013
[edit] added: 15 March 2013

Sam: "I'm going to sing a Mongolian song."

[Sam clears throat]

Niko: "That's actually the name of the song."

[comment] [rate] no rating

[link] heard: 31 October 2011
[edit] added: 31 October 2011

Bus driver: "No one's complimented me today on my bus driver costume."

Guy on bus: "It's very scary, sir."

[comment] [rate] no rating

[link] heard: 31 October 2011
[edit] added: 31 October 2011

(18:42:02) spectie: Flammie, did you get the abstract in on time ?

(18:43:42) Flammie: I did, though it was kindof short and wishywashy

(18:43:52) spectie: you should have seen mine and firespeaker's

(18:44:50) firespeaker: we didn't even read ours

(18:44:52) spectie: yeah

(18:45:11) firespeaker: and I think it just sounds like a bunch of disconnected facts about Kyrgyz morphology

(18:45:19) firespeaker: and phonology

(18:45:33) firespeaker: which is basically what talking to me sounds like I guess

[comment] [rate] no rating

[link] heard: 11 October 2011
[edit] added: 11 October 2011

"Wait, what's this a commercial for? It's a waste of paper and it's inconvenient!"

(screen shows "USPS")

"Oh, of course."

[comment] [rate] no rating

[link] heard: 15 July 2011
[edit] added: 14 July 2011

(02:11:24) Gekz: You are overcomplexifying irrelevance

(02:11:29) Gekz: so this is what linguistics is

[comment] [rate] no rating

[link] heard: 20 June 2011
[edit] added: 20 June 2011

(05:56:07) zfe: Turk dil kurumu

(05:56:22) zfe: the national association for screwing up turkish

(05:56:30) zfe: i can see their building from my window

(05:56:34) zfe: and every day i spend 20-30mins

(05:56:46) zfe: thinking how i could drive a boing 737

(05:56:49) zfe: in their offices

[comment] [rate] no rating

[link] heard: 9 April 2011
[edit] added: 17 May 2011

Monolingual people are so paranoid!

[comment] [rate] no rating

[link] heard: 13 January 2011
[edit] added: 16 January 2011

CB: "There's one rule about language comparison—"

Niko: "Don't trust a Russian?"

[comment] [rate] no rating

[link] heard: 17 November 2009
[edit] added: 17 November 2009

(20:07:46) [redacted]: there is not one single redeeming quality about the interface

(20:07:49) [redacted]: except that you can see it

(20:07:53) [redacted]: like, that it's not covered in black

(20:07:57) [redacted]: that's the only redeeming quality

(20:08:00) [redacted]: that you can see it

Abe Solomon's complaints about Praat's interface
linguistics, computers, insults, sadness, programming, phonetics
[comment] [rate] no rating

[link] heard: 23 May 2009
[edit] added: 22 May 2009

"Flips like a pancake, lands like a rock—that's your father."

my mother, on my father's sleeping habits
sleep, badness, insults, food, science
[comment] [rate] no rating

[link] heard: 19 May 2008
[edit] added: 19 May 2008

(19:34:54) ***kesuari bags jon all the time, but jon doesn't always notice it

(19:35:12) [me]: no, I just can't tell

(19:35:15) [me]: I notice that something's up

(19:35:19) [me]: and consider that as a possibility

(19:35:25) [me]: but can't always tell if it's the right one

(19:35:37) kesuari: it's like shakespearean comedy, except with insults, not sex

[comment] [rate] no rating

[link] heard: 14 April 2008
[edit] added: 14 April 2008

"I'm scared of your fridge. I never know if it's some strange experiment or food."

Lara goes on adventures in Jonathan's apartment
compliments, food, badness, technology, science, insults, scariness
[comment] [rate] no rating

[link] heard: 19 March 2008
[edit] added: 19 March 2008

(23:29:36) Michael: wow

(23:29:38) Michael: you're so mean dude

(23:29:59) Michael: if heaven was run by carebears

(23:30:02) Michael: there's no way you'd get in

Michael insults Jonathan, in reference to quote #1063
insults, religion, meanness, quotes
[comment] [rate] no rating

[link] heard: 26 February 2008
[edit] added: 26 February 2008

(22:39:11) [me]: well, we all know the French are chauvinists. They even invented the word.

[comment] [rate] 2/5

[link] heard: 26 February 2008
[edit] added: 26 February 2008

(13:53:57) kesuari: now you're getting stupid

(13:54:15) [me]: no, I'm actually trying to get it to go one step further

(13:54:20) [me]: in a scientific way, not a silly way

(13:54:41) kesuari: for you, i think there's little difference anyway

[comment] [rate] 3/5

[link] heard: 11 February 2008
[edit] added: 12 February 2008

(00:15:30) Michael: i don't know what wp is

(00:15:47) Michael: ohh

(00:15:50) Michael: wikipedia

(00:16:21) Michael: i was like, word perfect? why would anyone rely on that. it's so 199-never

[comment] [rate] no rating

[link] heard: 8 January 2008
[edit] added: 8 January 2008

Jonathan: "I mean, I've heard bad things about the place."

Lara: "What sorts of bad things?"

Jonathan: "That people tried pizza for the first time there and never wanted to eat pizza again."

Thatcher: "Yeah, 'cause it doesn't have mutton fat in it."

Thatcher obviously hasn't been there
badness, insults, SSSR, food, kyrgyz
[comment] [rate] 5/5

[link] heard: 23 December 2007
[edit] added: 22 December 2007

(03:19:15) [me]: I like tech support to know more than I do

(03:19:27) [me]: instead it's just this number I call to try to convince to flip a switch for me

[comment] [rate] no rating

[link] heard: 8 December 2007
[edit] added: 8 December 2007

(15:17:35) [me]: you just have to think like me is all, and then you'll understand things like this :-P

(15:17:46) kesuari: yeah

(15:18:06) kesuari: i, on the other hand, got my thinkingways from a more reputable dealer than you, i think

(15:18:14) kesuari: you probably got yours from a kyrgyz bizarre

[comment] [rate] no rating

[link] heard: 8 December 2007
[edit] added: 7 December 2007

(13:32:30) Brenda: you check, i call him up to pick me up and drive me places and everytime he is happy to come and everytime he gets lost and i have to give up and catch a bus. like, what is the point of relationships? clearly there can be no love bc such cannot exist in the rotted and twisted hearts of men (no offense; it is a gender thing, not a sex thing, which means you're fine bc you are an individual who creates himself outside of societal presssures and definitions)

(13:32:53) Brenda: and men who have 16 hours hangovers and get lost right when you need them have otherwise no point

[comment] [rate] no rating

[link] heard: 1 December 2007
[edit] added: 30 November 2007

(02:48:09) [anon]: if there is one thing turks are good at (or used to be good at) it's incorporating elements into themselves as if they were always there.

[comment] [rate] no rating

[link] heard: 27 November 2007
[edit] added: 27 November 2007

(22:26:59) [me]: the one where the guy didn't know how to take a pciture?

(22:27:16) Amanda: yeah but the one where "the guy" was me

[comment] [rate] no rating

[link] heard: 25 November 2007
[edit] added: 25 November 2007

(15:59:40) Rianna: I sat alone in the dark one night ... I found a preacher who spoke of the light -- he'd show me the way according to him, in return for my personal check. I flipped my channel back to CNN and lit another cigarette.

(16:00:15) Rianna: i dunno, that's most sane thing ever said on a country music station

[comment] [rate] no rating

[link] heard: 7 November 2007
[edit] added: 7 November 2007

Tristan: "It's weird hearing you say /o/s correctly when you speak other languages [Russian, Kyrgyz]."

Jonathan: "Why's that?"

Tristan: "Because you don't normally pronounce them right in English."

[comment] [rate] 5/5

[link] heard: 6 November 2007
[edit] added: 6 November 2007

(18:56:03) Altynay: Bishkekte emne kylyp atasin

(18:56:32) [me]: кыргыз тилин жакшылоо үчүн практика кылып жатам

(18:57:14) Altynay: abdan jakshi

(18:57:41) Altynay: sen ushul Bishkekte kalip Kyrgyzdarga Kyrgyzcha sabak beret okshoysun :)

[comment] [rate] no rating

[link] heard: 6 October 2007
[edit] added: 23 October 2007

"You see, it's different for you: Kyrgyz and Kazakh girls are actually attractive."

Sarah, on Central Asian guys
kyrgyz, kazakh, SSSR, relationships, sex, sadness, insults
[comment] [rate] no rating

[link] heard: 6 September 2007
[edit] added: 6 September 2007

my father: "Wait, why's it that much cheaper?"

employee at undisclosed fast-foodery: "I gave you the senior discount. ...Not sayin' there're any seniors around here—I just hooked y'all up."

[comment] [rate] no rating

[link] heard: 6 May 2007
[edit] added: 6 May 2007

Hamit aka: "I think Uzbek is the hardest—Uzbekistan is so small, and yet there are so many dialects of Uzbek. Xinjiang is big, but there are only three dialects of Uyghur. And Kazakhstan is huge, but there are no dialects."

Stefan: "Yeah. Russian's the same everywhere."

[comment] [rate] 5/5

[link] heard: 4 April 2007
[edit] added: 4 April 2007

"Hah. You break matzah like a goy."

[comment] [rate] no rating

[link] heard: 29 March 2007
[edit] added: 29 March 2007

I sometimes wonder how they count.

they have trouble taking 10% of a large number

they were bothered by having claculators that couldn't handle enough digits

‘what is 24000 inches in feet?

let's guess until Dr. Washington tells us we're right’

[comment] [rate] 4/5

[link] heard: 1 March 2007
[edit] added: 1 March 2007

Jonathan: "Kazakh isn't that hard—I don't know why all the materials that teach it are so bad."

Ardak: "I think it's because the Soviet system made things unnecessarily complicated."

[comment] [rate] 5/5

[link] heard: 17 February 2007
[edit] added: 18 February 2007

"IE 6 is the Netscape 4 of today."

[comment] [rate] 3/5

[link] heard: 2 February 2007
[edit] added: 12 February 2007

Gabe: "So in other words, every time something stupid came into your head, you'd have to do it immediately."

Jonathan: [playing with something on the table at a restaurant] "Like me!"

[comment] [rate] 4/5

[link] heard: 7 January 2007
[edit] added: 9 January 2007

"We don't just want you to think that we're software designers with no understanding of theoretical linguistics. Then you wouldn't sit next to us in the coffee shop, and that would be bad."

Jason Riggle, at the 2007 LSA annual meeting
caffeine, insults, computers, programming, linguistics, people, conferences, gradschool
[comment] [rate] no rating

[link] heard: 6 January 2007
[edit] added: 9 January 2007

Ray: "Phonetics can be a turn off."

Mark: "Depends on how you teach it, Ray."

Ray Jackendoff and Mark Liberman, at the 2007 LSA annual meeting
phonetics, conferences, insults, sadness, college, linguistics, professors, gradschool
[comment] [rate] 4/5

[link] heard: 6 January 2007
[edit] added: 9 January 2007

Ray: "Most of these people [taking intro to linguistics] won't become majors—"

Mark: "And shouldn't."

Ray Jackendoff and Mark Liberman, at the 2007 LSA annual meeting
conferences, insults, sadness, college, linguistics, gradschool
[comment] [rate] no rating

[link] heard: 4 January 2007
[edit] added: 9 January 2007

"[In phonology,] you can't just say ‘Oh, that's PF.’"

Paul Kiparsky, at the 2007 LSA annual meeting
conferences, irony, insults, wisdom, linguistics, tautologies
[comment] [rate] no rating

[link] heard: 1 January 2007
[edit] added: 9 January 2007

[redacted]: from now on when we disagree on american english usage, i'm just going to assume i'm right on the grounds that you spell yogurt with an H

[comment] [rate] no rating

[link] heard: 30 December 2006
[edit] added: 9 January 2007

my mother: "Did you put all your candy in a bag?"

me: "Nah, I just took some wrapping paper and put it all in there."

my mother: "But it's not a bag..."

me: "It's taped together though."

my mother: "But I taped it..."

[comment] [rate] 4/5

[link] heard: 3 May 2006
[edit] added: 3 May 2006

00:43:21 [me]: agh. I was stupid

00:43:33 [aladnsane]: ?

00:44:01 [aladnsane]: I mean, I believe you and all ;)

[comment] [rate] no rating

[link] heard: 12 February 2006
[edit] added: 12 February 2006

06:11:54 [Aaron]: does this make sense:

06:11:55 [Aaron]: For the sake of differentiating between participants in the pre-recorded conversation (e.g. those who sat in the recording studio and conversed) and users who have downloaded and listened to the audio file via a technological media, the terms “participants” and “users” will be used throughout this paper, respectively.

06:12:48 [me]: yes, that's perfectly clear [to me]

06:13:00 [Aaron]: shit

06:13:03 [Aaron]: if it's clear to you

06:13:07 [Aaron]: then nobody else has a chance...

[comment] [rate] no rating

[link] heard: 16 August 2005
[edit] added: 16 August 2005

"This should be a warning to all the groups out there—don't write inane lyrics when you're young, because when you're older you'll be performing them on PBS and you'll look like a fool."

in response to the Grass Roots performing on PBS
music, tv, stupidity, wisdom, insults
[comment] [rate] no rating

[link] heard: 8 November 2004
[edit] added: 8 November 2004

(02:37:03) Adam B: What?

(02:37:27) Adam B: Are you saying I wrote OS9?

(02:38:18) Оберон: Yes.

(02:38:20) Оберон: Tell him yes.

(02:42:51) Оберон: Sure.

(02:43:08) Оберон: Perhaps Adam's true calling is less in writing code and more in writing comedy.

(02:44:17) Adam B: It's cool

(02:44:19) Adam B: Maybe he's high

(02:45:32) Оберон: Wow

(02:45:36) Оберон: no wonder everyone was asking us for weed

(02:45:45) Оберон: Adam must be telling people I'm a druggy

(02:46:19) [me]: (this is in reference to the fact that about 3 people have asked me and oberon for weed in the last 2 saturdays)

(02:46:22) Adam B: So I just re-read it

(02:47:13) Adam B: And, well, my first guess still stands

(02:47:27) Adam B: So seriously, what are you talking about, if not OS9

(02:47:32) Adam B: Which I did write, by the way

(02:47:38) Adam B: When you weren't looking

(02:47:39) [me]: no, you see, this is what we're talking about

(02:48:24) Adam B: I don't want you to think that I'm a sexually overactive president, but please define your "this" from that sentence

(02:48:48) [me]: that you wrote OS 9

(02:48:53) [me]: we're acknowledging that

(02:48:51) Adam B: Cause there was definitely no "this" (err, "that") to be referred to

(02:48:59) Adam B: Well, except for that

(02:49:02) Adam B: The OS9 thing

(02:49:06) Adam B: Okay whatever, sure

(02:49:08) Adam B: I'm flattered

(02:49:09) Adam B: Really am

(02:49:13) Adam B: Maybe you are high too

(02:49:25) Adam B: Which would explain why they asked both of you for pot, not just him

(02:51:05) Adam B: Righty-o then

(02:51:14) Adam B: So now, how did I get involved in that conversation?

(02:51:20) Adam B: And why do you think I wrote OS9?

(02:51:27) Adam B: (i.e. how did you find out about that)

(02:52:16) Adam B: Or

(02:52:28) Adam B: More fun could be watching me just type to myself in this pretty IM window

(02:52:42) Adam B: That's cool too

(02:52:47) Adam B: It's like a monologue

(02:52:51) Adam B: With an audience of 1

(02:52:55) Adam B: Well probably 2

(02:53:08) Adam B: Because Oberon is apparently monitoring this somehow too

(02:53:30) Adam B: Maybe through the ssh over unencrypted wireless through vmware and X forwarding

(02:53:32) Adam B: Or whatever that was

(02:53:34) Adam B: But he's watching

[comment] [rate] no rating

[link] heard: 7 November 2004
[edit] added: 7 November 2004

Greer: "If she ever comes back here again, I'll break her kneecaps!"

Nat: "Because that's the only thing you can reach."

[comment] [rate] no rating

[link] heard: 18 September 2004
[edit] added: 18 September 2004

(07:06:09) Kesuari: (haha, you have an american accent)

(07:07:12) Kesuari: (it's really weird, because you seem so educated :)

[comment] [rate] 3/5

[link] heard: 2 February 2004
[edit] added: 2 February 2004

(04:17:24) Kesuari: o ... kay... i have come to the conclusion that you, sir, are insane, and forget the difference between yourself and the rest of the world :)

Tristan, in reference to Jonathan after he rambled about Turkic orthography for a few minutes
compliments, wisdom, scariness, insanity, craziness, insults, linguistics, writing, gradschool
[comment] [rate] no rating

[link] heard: 30 December 2003
[edit] added: 30 December 2003

(02:30:26) [Shreyas]: wow, you brandeis folks are very beardy

(02:30:46) [Shreyas]: i guess you need the facial hair, being in the wilds of the frozen north and all

(02:30:51) [Shreyas]: insulation

Shreyas takes a look at my people page
brandeis, insults, friends, weather, hair
[comment] [rate] no rating

[link] heard: 6 December 2003
[edit] added: 6 December 2003

(03:25:41) Aarón: youre screenshots are scary

(03:26:00) Aarón: it's like looking through the eyes of a paranoid schizophrenic


(03:30:27) Aarón: AH! it's 330

(03:30:42) Aarón: ok... must sleep... snow is waiting for me

(03:30:51) Aarón: i can see it building up JUST for me :)

(03:30:57) Aarón: it's calling my name

(03:31:07) Aarón: "aaaaaron, aaaaaaron.. come plaaaaaay with meeeeeE"

(03:31:16) Aarón: o wait... it's the damn pipes in my room

(03:31:23) Aarón: SHUT UP, PIPES

(03:31:40) Aarón: ok, i think I'M the paranoid schizophrenic, not your screenshot

[comment] [rate] 4/5

[link] heard: 30 October 2003
[edit] added: 3 November 2003

me: "Well, he played Han Solo well."

oberon: "But it doesn't take much to play Han Solo. All it takes is walking into things. But abstract things, not literal things."

and Jonathan North Washington
movies, insults
[comment] [rate] no rating

[link] heard: 30 July 2003
[edit] added: 30 July 2003

(13:11:20) Qatharsis: Your languages suffer from inbreeding, it seems.

(13:12:55) [me]: inbreeding?

(13:14:59) Qatharsis: They're all each other's brother's offspring, and the replicative deficiencies show.

(13:58:39) [me]: there's no inbreeding in the Tēlvo languages

(13:58:47) [me]: no more so than there are in any other language

(13:59:06) Qatharsis: They just look like contorted copies of each other. =P

(13:59:26) Qatharsis: And they develop pathological spelling freakages.

(14:00:07) [me]: what??

(14:00:37) Qatharsis: I mean, accented l? Hello?

[comment] [rate] 3/5

[link] heard: 16 June 2003
[edit] added: 16 June 2003

(02:06:56) Casuarius: you're insane, though. i have *no* idea why you're doing this when you could be bringing about world peace or something :P

Tristan on me successfully converting music files to oggs at 8kbps and lower (impressive as that is..)
insanity, weirdness, computers, politics, compliments, insults
[comment] [rate] no rating

[link] heard: 4 June 2003
[edit] added: 4 June 2003

(15:21:01) Qatharsis: How come a quote is "profoundness" when it's by you, but "stupidity" otherwise?

[comment] [rate] no rating

[link] heard: 11 April 2003
[edit] added: 11 April 2003

"You look like the magic pumpkin or whatever, but blue."

Jonathan, in reference to David in his big blue poncho
insults, weirdness, analogies
[comment] [rate] no rating

[link] heard: unknown
[edit] added: unknown

"Cheerleaders are dancers who have gone retarded."

Chorreographer from Bring It On
insults, wisdom, movies, inappropriateness
[comment] [rate] no rating

[link] heard: unknown
[edit] added: unknown

"Well then you're an ignoramus who has his cloud up his ass--head up your ass and there's a cloud up there!"

[comment] [rate] no rating

[link] heard: unknown
[edit] added: unknown

[05:49:52] (sn withheld): You're a genius

[05:49:59] (sn withheld): in that you're insane in the same way my operating system is

[comment] [rate] no rating

[link] heard: unknown
[edit] added: 19 August 2003

"They are not interested in many things which are interesting. And that's the American way."

Vitaly V. Shevoroshkin, referring to American linguists
wisdom, politics, linguistics, people, provincialism, patriotism, sadness, indifference, insults
[comment] [rate] 3/5