21:08:53 [me]: well, I thought "file has vanished" was an interesting way of informing me of it
21:09:09 [oberon]: Well, as far as rsync was concerned, that's what happened
21:09:20 [oberon]: one minute there's a file, the next minute there's not a file
21:09:43 [me]: yeah
21:09:49 [me]: I suppose that could be called vanishing
21:09:51 [oberon]: Would you prefer "file has committed glorious harikari, and will ride the divine wind to its 70 virgins"?
21:11:07 [me]: heh
21:11:08 [me]: yes
21:11:44 [oberon]: So go edit the rsync source =P
21:11:50 [oberon]: or even the binary
21:11:54 [oberon]: just ask grep...
21:12:21 [me]: nah
21:12:28 [me]: I already don't trust rsync
21:12:31 [oberon]: lol
21:12:32 [me]: not going to screw with its binary
21:17:27 [oberon]: Am I the only one who thinks that 70 number is kinda arbitrary?
21:17:33 [oberon]: I've always sorta wondered about that
21:17:43 [oberon]: I mean, it's not like they're all useful at once
21:18:07 [oberon]: The sort of thing you do with virgins is not something you can do with 70 without engineered infrastructure and supports
21:18:37 [oberon]: Is the next verse of the Qu'aran something about "and you will also receive a house so large, it requires 65 people to keep it clean?"
21:31:26 [oberon]: That's still counting on an awful lot of women to die virgins
21:31:34 [oberon]: And I don't think infant mortality counts here
21:34:05 [oberon]: Maybe 70 is just an average
21:34:09 [oberon]: and it's really determined by annual ratios
21:34:47 [oberon]: so, like, if you have a string of really unsexy years, 'cause the plague hits or the 70s happen or something, you get more virgins, so everyone gets 71.2 or something
21:35:47 [oberon]: So it's more like "I got 70 virgins*" and then in fine print: "*results not typical. Actual results may vary. Consult your doctor before..."