(01:33:56) Оберон: A vote for DDR is a vote for YAY! :) [ view | more ]



Interesting things said in my presence

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(you'll need a firespeaker.org account to rate quotes)

Category: school


most quoted re "school": Jonathan North Washington (31), oberon (14), Abe Solomon (9), RZ (7), CS (6)

other categories found with "school": gradschool (46), sadness (21), college (15), brandeis (15), weirdness (14)

Viewing 93 of 1473 Result(s)
[ sort: date / rating, ↓ ]

[link] heard: 4 June 2014
[edit] added: 4 June 2014

(16:19:48) Unhammer: "a basic skill to be learned alongside the three R’s"

(16:19:51) Unhammer: R's?

(16:19:56) firespeaker: .wik Three Rs

(16:19:57) begiak: "The three Rs (as in the letter R)[1] refers to the foundations of a basic skills-orientated education program within schools: reading, writing and arithmetic" - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_three_Rs

(16:20:04) Unhammer: so not r-project

(16:20:07) Unhammer: damn

[comment] [rate] no rating

[link] heard: 14 January 2011
[edit] added: 14 January 2011

"Шинэ семестр, шинэ итгэл..."

[comment] [rate] no rating

[link] heard: 2 December 2010
[edit] added: 2 December 2010

"You know, I feel sorry for his parents. Can you imagine the amount of money and energy they've wasted on sending him here?"

[comment] [rate] no rating

[link] heard: 28 January 2010
[edit] added: 28 January 2010

"It's not a real conflict; it's a scholarly conflict."

[comment] [rate] no rating

[link] heard: 6 January 2009
[edit] added: 6 January 2009

(13:18:45) kesuari: and today the jon at uni was going on about not doing homework during break

(13:19:09) kesuari: funny how things come in batches

Jonathan was only talking about how in America, there is no homework over winter break; donno if that's what "jon at uni" had in mind..
compliments, badness, school, college
[comment] [rate] no rating

[link] heard: 1 May 2008
[edit] added: 1 May 2008

(14:15:48) [me]: every time I think back to how I thought about things in high school, central asia makes a lot more sense

(14:15:56) [me]: very provincial and uninformed about things

(14:16:12) Michaela: heh

(14:16:55) Michaela: you know, it's true--even thinking about things like the way people used to write in middle/high school--the quality of their writing makes a lot more sense

(14:17:45) Michaela: i remember telling my mom, "It's like, there's no one here that knows how to think outside the box." she said, "Honey, they don't even know that there is a box."

[comment] [rate] no rating

[link] heard: 14 January 2008
[edit] added: 14 January 2008

(22:43:31) Colum: you know, I think professors are scary.

[comment] [rate] 5/5

[link] heard: 21 December 2007
[edit] added: 21 December 2007

(15:15:12) [anon1]: no CIA for you. better finish the PhD

(15:15:27) [anon2]: why do you keep denying me the government jobs?

(15:15:35) [anon2]: they must have a pretty interesting file on me already

(15:16:16) [anon1]: on me too i would imagine

(15:16:48) [anon1]: if we ever applied we would fail the background check -- they wouldn't have the energy to complete it! :)

[comment] [rate] no rating

[link] heard: 26 May 2007
[edit] added: 26 May 2007

(00:47:17) Rianna: i had a dream last night that i was on a train to georgia with a bunch of people from high school

(00:49:05) [me]: which Georgia?

(00:49:24) Rianna: the boring one :-p

[comment] [rate] no rating

[link] heard: 18 April 2007
[edit] added: 18 April 2007

Shyngys: "This is the first time I'm showing up late to this class, so it's okay."

Jonathan: "Yeah, but it was because of music."

Shyngys: "But it was Kazakh music, so it was worth it."

[comment] [rate] 3/5

[link] heard: 3 April 2007
[edit] added: 3 April 2007

Jonathan: "So I was working on my thesis the other day, and I had to read through all this stuff."

Stefan: "Dude. You're in grad school. You're working on your thesis. And you had to read stuff? No way!"

Jonathan: "No, but like, I have to read through all this stuff to get data from it."

Stefan: ...

[comment] [rate] no rating

[link] heard: 16 January 2007
[edit] added: 16 January 2007

me: "Huh, if you go to the Jackson School's page, they have this graphic at the top that's a picture of some stream that doesn't look like it's on the UW campus."

Graham [looks at picture]: "Oh yeah, I've seen that place, it's on the other side of Lake Union."

me [reloads page, blinks]: "Hey look, now they have a picture of the Taj Mahal."

Graham: "Yeah, you haven't seen that? It's behind the forestry building."

[comment] [rate] 3/5

[link] heard: 10 January 2007
[edit] added: 16 January 2007

"So if you thought the answer was something other than two, and didn't say it because everyone else said ‘two’, that was probably a good idea."

[comment] [rate] 2/5

[link] heard: 15 December 2006
[edit] added: 9 January 2007

[redacted]: tim's already posted my grade on sage

[redacted]: so i just need to crap out 5 (single-spaced... wtf) pages
and then he won't like, rescind the grade, i guess

[comment] [rate] no rating

[link] heard: 9 December 2006
[edit] added: 9 December 2006

(02:00:05) Colum: well I did study for the final but I didn't know what I was studying so I don't consider that as "having studied"

[comment] [rate] no rating

[link] heard: 5 December 2006
[edit] added: 5 December 2006

Derek: "I can't wait 'til next week, man."

Jonathan: "Why's that?"

Derek: "'Cause it's all over then. It's kind of like not being able to wait until you're euthanised."

[comment] [rate] no rating

[link] heard: 1 December 2006
[edit] added: 2 December 2006

"I don't even know how high that number is—it's one of those numbers with letters in it that I don't understand because I haven't taken math since high school."

Laura, in her colloquium talk
sadness, math, linguistics, school, gradschool
[comment] [rate] 3/5

[link] heard: 22 September 2006
[edit] added: 23 September 2006

"...and some students might actually understand it, but in such a convoluted way that they just end up confusing the other students they're trying to explain it to."

[comment] [rate] no rating

[link] heard: 15 September 2006
[edit] added: 15 September 2006

"When you are forced to read books for school, other pastimes besides reading become that much more appealing."

[comment] [rate] 4/5

[link] heard: 11 September 2006
[edit] added: 11 September 2006

21:00:07 [Aaron]: can i just skip from now 'til when i have tenure?

Aaron applies for gradschool
time-travel, omnipotence, school, gradschool, academia
[comment] [rate] no rating

[link] heard: 1 September 2006
[edit] added: 1 September 2006

18:14:37 kesuari: ummm. they have a holiday on the first day of classes?

18:14:56 kesuari: how can you have a day of classes on a holiday?

18:15:11 kesuari: isn’t that like going to work to celebrate a day off?

18:15:46 kesuari: soviets are weird.

[comment] [rate] 4/5

[link] heard: 31 March 2006
[edit] added: 31 March 2006

"I should run a seminar: 'I'm ugly and foul-mouthed and I get laid.'"

[comment] [rate] no rating

[link] heard: 7 March 2006
[edit] added: 7 March 2006

18:03:03 [anon]: hell, I think I got more action in high school than at brandeis

[comment] [rate] no rating

[link] heard: 27 February 2006
[edit] added: 27 February 2006

20:09:20 [oberon]: You have sun dials because you hope the sun will show up. Without sun, sun dials don't work.

20:09:28 [oberon]: You have universities because you hope 18 year old women will show up.

20:09:31 [oberon]: Same basic argument.

[comment] [rate] 4/5

[link] heard: 27 February 2006
[edit] added: 27 February 2006

04:29:42 [Tristan]: stupid 10 am is a time that shouldn't be allowed to exist.

[comment] [rate] 3/5

[link] heard: 12 February 2006
[edit] added: 12 February 2006

06:11:54 [Aaron]: does this make sense:

06:11:55 [Aaron]: For the sake of differentiating between participants in the pre-recorded conversation (e.g. those who sat in the recording studio and conversed) and users who have downloaded and listened to the audio file via a technological media, the terms “participants” and “users” will be used throughout this paper, respectively.

06:12:48 [me]: yes, that's perfectly clear [to me]

06:13:00 [Aaron]: shit

06:13:03 [Aaron]: if it's clear to you

06:13:07 [Aaron]: then nobody else has a chance...

[comment] [rate] no rating

[link] heard: 6 September 2005
[edit] added: 6 September 2005

Jonathan: "My blood type's going to be B+, and I'm going to be like, 'yeah…'"

Hannah: "My blood type's going to be A-, and I'm going to be like, 'dammit!'"

[comment] [rate] no rating

[link] heard: 8 August 2005
[edit] added: 8 August 2005

[02:35] Aaron B: you finished your hw?

[02:35] Aaron B: you're all caught up?

[02:35] Aaron B: hold on, i need to look out my window

[02:35] Aaron B: nope, i don't see any pigs flying...

[02:35] Aaron B: maybe hell froze over?

[comment] [rate] no rating

[link] heard: 2 August 2005
[edit] added: 3 August 2005

[23:16] Laura C: NO WAY!

[23:16] Laura C: that's DRUMS!

[23:16] Laura C: I thought that's what spanish sounded like!

[23:16] Laura C: I must be taking the wrong class.

[comment] [rate] 3/5

[link] heard: 5 May 2005
[edit] added: 4 July 2005

(21:33:01) Laura C: i just set my homework assigment sheet on fire.

(21:33:59) Laura C: I have 3 or 4 pages between me and becoming a junior.

(21:34:26) Laura C: But it's actually a lot of work. So in 5 hours, i should be done. But i can't bring myself to do these STUPID ASSIGMENTS so i set it on fire.

(21:35:46) Laura C: Now i think i'll clean out my fridge

[comment] [rate] no rating

[link] heard: 12 April 2005
[edit] added: 12 April 2005

(23:26:57) Ian: so what was that book that fucking chomsky would be more useful than?

[comment] [rate] no rating

[link] heard: 12 April 2005
[edit] added: 12 April 2005

(00:05:16) Jess: fucking chomsky would be more useful than this book

[comment] [rate] no rating

[link] heard: 1 April 2005
[edit] added: 1 April 2005

Matt: "Could we reschedule the conversation about the meaning of life?"

Jonathan: "It's not really about the meaning of life; it's about the driving factors."

Matt: "Could we also reschedule the conversation about the conversation?"

[comment] [rate] no rating

[link] heard: 27 March 2005
[edit] added: 27 March 2005

"This is soo cute. This is like middle school on crack."

[comment] [rate] no rating

[link] heard: 14 March 2005
[edit] added: 14 March 2005

(05:04:45) Jess: no one's as bad as you

(05:04:58) [me]: yeah, I think I might even hold records

(05:05:13) [me]: one paper due in february turned in the day grades were due in may

(05:05:29) [me]: another final paper turned in early the next semester

(05:06:06) Jess: yep

(05:06:15) Jess: you get the procrastinator award

[comment] [rate] no rating

[link] heard: 9 March 2005
[edit] added: 11 March 2005

Jackendoff: "Somebody washed [the board] with something wrong."

McIntosh: "Well, I wanna wash it with them."

[comment] [rate] no rating

[link] heard: 1 March 2005
[edit] added: 2 March 2005

"Is Brandeis's registration system useful and helpful to use? Only if you're on drugs."

[comment] [rate] no rating

[link] heard: 2 February 2005
[edit] added: 2 February 2005

(01:07:03) [redacted]: i'm too tired to bullshit

(01:09:42) [me]: how are you too tired to bs?

(01:09:45) [me]: that doesn't even make sense

(01:09:54) [redacted]: i need to be 'on' to bs

[comment] [rate] no rating

[link] heard: 15 January 2005
[edit] added: 15 January 2005

(01:26:33) Aaron B: let's focus here

(01:26:38) Aaron B: ihop

(01:26:43) Aaron B: we need to get a car

(01:26:56) Jonor Thwash: we could steal and hotwire one?

(01:27:09) Aaron B: yes!

(01:27:11) Aaron B: oh wait

(01:27:14) Aaron B: that's a "bad" idea

[comment] [rate] no rating

[link] heard: 13 January 2005
[edit] added: 13 January 2005

(21:14:08) Cem: dude im soo sleepy

(21:14:23) Cem: im like writing half of this shit in spanish for all i know

[comment] [rate] no rating

[link] heard: 13 January 2005
[edit] added: 13 January 2005

(20:58:50) Cem: man im gonna kill the dude that invented english

[comment] [rate] no rating

[link] heard: 15 December 2004
[edit] added: 15 December 2004

"You see, we're edumacatifying you."

[comment] [rate] no rating

[link] heard: 10 December 2004
[edit] added: 10 December 2004

Jonathan: "What class is this?"

oberon: "Temporal pain, Pustegofuckhimself."

[comment] [rate] no rating

[link] heard: 6 December 2004
[edit] added: 6 December 2004

"Well, let's just say I'll land my Nina, Pinta, and Santa Maria at her Plymouth Rock."

[comment] [rate] no rating

[link] heard: 6 December 2004
[edit] added: 6 December 2004

Matt: ".. and I still have a paper to write."

Jonathan: "You're still writing it?"

Matt: "Well, I'm done, but it's not long enough."

Jonathan: "How many pages do you have left?"

Matt: "Four."

Jon: "Matt, is it a 3-5 page paper?"

[comment] [rate] 4/5

[link] heard: 6 December 2004
[edit] added: 6 December 2004

"Okay, well, none of you are 10-page papers, and none of you are due on Monday. Except possibly Vickie."

[comment] [rate] no rating

[link] heard: 23 November 2004
[edit] added: 23 November 2004

"Mmm, human subjects!"

in a devious/hungry voice
food, scariness, school, gradschool
[comment] [rate] no rating

[link] heard: 22 November 2004
[edit] added: 22 November 2004

"Why would I want to be in a commercial? I mean, I could run around naked on the roof of Ziv and say 'Hey, look, I'm that guy in the police logs,' but that also has no appeal."

[comment] [rate] no rating

[link] heard: 20 November 2004
[edit] added: 20 November 2004

Jonathan: "If the flour turns into pie crust, then how do those kids in plays deal with getting it out of their hair?"

Nat: "They don't put flour in their hair—they put shoe polish or baby powder in their hair."

Jon: "Or Kool-Aid."

[comment] [rate] no rating

[link] heard: 10 November 2004
[edit] added: 10 November 2004

(08:34:57) Laura C: I accidently lit my pencil on fire

(08:35:03) Laura C: And now it won't work.

(08:36:52) [me]: what kind of pencil

(08:37:05) Laura C: mechanical.

(08:37:20) Laura C: I wanted to see what happened if you lit the lead on fire.

(08:37:29) Laura C: except i caught the plastic on fire

(08:37:39) Laura C: and the top part kinda melted off.

(08:38:46) Laura C: And the peice of lead is completley covered in melted plastic.

(08:39:13) Laura C: BUT I CAN STILL WRITE WITH IT!

(08:39:33) [me]: I thought you said it didn't work?

(08:39:51) Laura C: Well, the tip of the piece of lead pokes through the plastic

(08:39:57) Laura C: So i can technically still write with it

(08:40:28) Laura C: But it's not like i can reverse the damage i did. When that peice of lead is through, it'll be completley broken.

(08:47:54) Laura C: this is the coolest pencil EVER

(08:48:56) Laura C: It's now more like an abstract art idea of a pencil

(08:50:30) Laura C: It's all twisted and seperated

[Jonathan continues to add quote to quotes page]

(08:50:51) Laura C: DAMNIT, You're making me seem like an insane crazy pyro who always burns shit at 8 in the morning.

(08:52:00) [me]: well...

(08:52:20) Laura C: shhh

Laura, rambling about setting her pencil on fire for a good 20 minutes
fire, school, stupidity, bad-ideas, quotes, burning, diatribes, typical-conversations
[comment] [rate] no rating

[link] heard: 9 November 2004
[edit] added: 9 November 2004

Peter: "Did you know they sell birthday candles at the C-store?"

Jonathan: "Yeah, I think I saw that."

Peter: "... Wanna light some?"

[Peter fiddles with a box of candles he pulled out of pocket]

[comment] [rate] 4/5

[link] heard: 5 November 2004
[edit] added: 5 November 2004

Jonathan: "Does practicing for the GRE do anything?"

oberon: "I did leave an SAT prep book under my bed before I took the SATs."

[comment] [rate] no rating

[link] heard: 23 October 2004
[edit] added: 23 October 2004

"Isn't that what freshman do? Drink, sleep around, and move in herds?"

[comment] [rate] no rating

[link] heard: 11 October 2004
[edit] added: 11 October 2004

"In the morning, the dish drain will be different. By that point, it'll've turned into a clean-dish-eating robot."

[comment] [rate] no rating

[link] heard: 13 September 2004
[edit] added: 13 September 2004

"In kindergarten they fed us all these three letter words. `Cat, dog', yes, get over it. And this went on for two years. `The cat craps on the rug.' Those are all three and four letter words!"

[comment] [rate] no rating

[link] heard: 4 September 2004
[edit] added: 10 September 2004

"Are you TAing any business yet?"

[comment] [rate] no rating

[link] heard: 5 May 2004
[edit] added: 5 May 2004

(02:26:38) [me]: you staying up all night?

(02:28:22) Оберон: Probably

(02:28:24) Оберон: Bring cheese

(02:28:26) Оберон: I've got chocolate

(02:28:28) Оберон: oh, and bring root beer

(02:28:48) Оберон: Hell, bring whatever the fuck you want ;)

(02:28:54) Оберон: We can even boil some water and put it in my freezer

(02:29:01) Оберон: that should make it safe to drink when it cools

[comment] [rate] no rating

[link] heard: 26 March 2004
[edit] added: 29 March 2004

"I trust the Boulevard not to actively poison me, just not to not passively poison me, like this crap."

[comment] [rate] no rating

[link] heard: 23 March 2004
[edit] added: 29 March 2004

"You're going to come back to your room and there are going to be six recycling bins in your room and no one else, and you're going to say 'Hm, that's odd,' and sit down at your computer, and they're going to sneak up behind you and beat you to death and eat you. And your roommate is going to come back and find 6 recycling bins full of blood."

oberon lecturing me on not throwing things at recycling bins
school, weirdness
[comment] [rate] no rating

[link] heard: 19 March 2004
[edit] added: 19 March 2004

(04:02:52) [me]: well, it works in french, so I'll just italicise it and call it english

[comment] [rate] 2/5

[link] heard: 27 February 2004
[edit] added: 27 February 2004

"So will I see you bright and early, or just early?"

[comment] [rate] no rating

[link] heard: 17 February 2004
[edit] added: 17 February 2004

Vickie: "We can make margaritas, but we need a blender"

oberon: "Render? Burritos? Huh?"

[comment] [rate] no rating

[link] heard: 9 February 2004
[edit] added: 10 February 2004

"My mouth is tingling funny. As long as it doesn't go bang I'm fine."

oberon has an adventure with Brandeis food
food, brandeis, school, weirdness, sketchiness
[comment] [rate] no rating

[link] heard: 31 January 2004
[edit] added: 1 February 2004

"If he put a good on that paper, then you could take a piece of paper and wrap doodoo with it and turn it in and you'd do pretty well."

[comment] [rate] no rating

[link] heard: 14 January 2004
[edit] added: 14 January 2004

(17:51:53) Aarón: that would be an interesting study

(17:51:58) Aarón: how sarcasm is denoted in text

(17:54:20) Aarón: how many weeks are there in the semester?

[comment] [rate] 3/5

[link] heard: 10 December 2003
[edit] added: 10 December 2003

Jonathan: "I showed someone this picture and they said 'Whoa, how did you get Brandeis not to look like a post-apocolyptic wasteland?'"

Mark: "But you didn't show them this one. The background looks like a post-apocalyptic wasteland."

Jonathan: "But there's Volen in the background."

Mark: "Yeah, that's like the post-apocalyptic command centre."

[comment] [rate] no rating

[link] heard: 8 December 2003
[edit] added: 8 December 2003

(05:24:51) Aarón: you know you should stop working on a paper when you write:

(05:24:53) Aarón: Had Schwarzenegger been an author rather than a film-star, those who were literate might have been more likely to vote for him than those who could not read.

[comment] [rate] no rating

[link] heard: 1 December 2003
[edit] added: 1 December 2003

(08:36:17) Kesuari: and maths, too. that's another one i'd want to do. except that i hate calculus. or rather find doing it tedious and irritating.

(08:36:51) Kesuari: hell... i should just do everything possible and be known as He Who Knows All.

[comment] [rate] no rating

[link] heard: 30 November 2003
[edit] added: 30 November 2003

(23:39:00) Mark: I always wanted to be a toy monkey. such a carefree life

(23:39:02) Mark: no homework

(23:39:19) Mark: get to see all sorts of exotic tourist destinations

[comment] [rate] 4/5

[link] heard: 30 November 2003
[edit] added: 30 November 2003

Cem: "I've written 12 pages for a 5-page paper that's probably going to be 20 pages long."

Jonathan: "Wow, what are you writing about?"

Cem: "Wisdom and the bible and philosophy and socrates and shit. It's fucked up."

[comment] [rate] no rating

[link] heard: 5 November 2003
[edit] added: 6 November 2003

Peter, rummaging through the food drawer at work: "Ooh, coffee beans. Those will keep me awake in class. Do you think they're caffeinated?"

me: " ... Probably. I mean, why would Dave have coffee in the office if it weren't caffeinated?"

Peter: "How many do I need?"

me, Adam: [laughter] "Uhm, Peter...."

Peter: [humbled voice] "I'm serious."

[comment] [rate] no rating

[link] heard: 4 November 2003
[edit] added: 5 November 2003

(16:50:20) Оберон: in the past two days I've eaten...a muffin

(16:50:24) Оберон: maybe that's why I feel tired.

(16:50:31) Оберон: half a muffin, really

(16:50:56) Оберон: now that I think about it, it's odd I passed max300 on a 36 hour caloric intake of probably about 500 C

[comment] [rate] no rating

[link] heard: 21 October 2003
[edit] added: 21 October 2003

(02:22:15) Mark: what kind of pizza is cheeseless pizza?

(02:22:22) [me]: what Kathryn eats

(02:22:32) [me]: I've had sauceless pizza... it's pretty good I guess

(02:22:48) Mark: yeah i wouldnt want to eat non real pizza

(02:23:28) Mark: Non-real pizza is defined as (pizza)i where i=sqrt(-1), or the (-cheese) factor

after way too much physics homework on Mark's part
homework, food, school, physics, math, gradschool
[comment] [rate] no rating

[link] heard: 8 September 2003
[edit] added: 8 September 2003

Cem: "I wanna throw this awesome party in my Ziv, with like a mad DJ and strobe lights and everything and we'd have to hand pick who came and have a guest list, and you could hire this huge black guy to be a bouncer for like a hundred dollars for the night and he'd make money off people bribing him to get into the party."

Me: "I'd almost go to that party, just for the DJ and the strobe lights."

Cem: "You'd have to get past the bouncer though."

[comment] [rate] no rating

[link] heard: 27 August 2003
[edit] added: 27 August 2003

(00:58:16) Matt Sachs: Well, I'm glad to see that there are sufficiently twisted freshmen, so I won't have to be that weird hermit guy who mumbles a lot for my senior year.

[comment] [rate] no rating

[link] heard: 28 July 2003
[edit] added: 28 July 2003

(15:45:32) Qatharsis: I'm pessimistic about electrodynamics.

[comment] [rate] no rating

[link] heard: 7 July 2003
[edit] added: 7 July 2003

(22:54:31) [Vickie]: it always annoyed me that the american school system completely ignored studying english the way they study biology

(22:54:45) [Vickie]: dissect the hell out of it

[comment] [rate] 1/5

[link] heard: 6 May 2003
[edit] added: 6 May 2003

"How do you know what your thesis is about until you have it formulated? That's what's so bad about theses—they're paradoxes."

[comment] [rate] no rating

[link] heard: 5 May 2003
[edit] added: 5 May 2003

[Cem]: i swear economics is a lie created by a bunch of fat old bored men

[comment] [rate] no rating

[link] heard: 4 May 2003
[edit] added: 4 May 2003

(13:28:38) Kathryn: well, i'm going to shower so i can reconstruct proto-romance

[comment] [rate] 2/5

[link] heard: 4 May 2003
[edit] added: 4 May 2003

"I'm so bored I'm taking pictures of the wall."

Yes, he was taking pictures of the wall.
life, school, boredom, stupidity
[comment] [rate] no rating

[link] heard: unknown
[edit] added: unknown

(01:28:43) [sn withheld]: I want to sleep before our giant doomtest tomorrow.

[comment] [rate] 3/5

[link] heard: unknown
[edit] added: unknown

"This is worse than like F-type Turkish prisons."

in reference to our dorm room
analogies, turkisms, school, hyperbole, patriotism, gradschool
[comment] [rate] no rating

[link] heard: unknown
[edit] added: unknown

"Within the deep enigmatic craters of the human mindset, exists a belief of an ideal world; inconceivable in reality, an almost intangible paradise is found to be a constantly recurring notion. The previous sentence meant nothing; it is only a structural perception of the implausible."

in a paper he wrote
deepness, stupidity, school, papers, philosophy, people
[comment] [rate] no rating

[link] heard: unknown
[edit] added: unknown

"Mm! That sentence meant nothing either!"

on his paper about Utopias
school, weirdness, misc, deepness, papers, language
[comment] [rate] no rating

[link] heard: unknown
[edit] added: unknown

(02:30:41) Luna Camilla: i'm gonna go to sleep so i don't forget the psych i never learned during the exam tomorrow

[comment] [rate] no rating

[link] heard: unknown
[edit] added: unknown

Rameez: "You know, I've got five missing socks. The laundry must've eaten them"

Jonathan: "The laundry doesn't just eat socks. It just seems like it does."

Rameez: "It must be the dryer."

Jonathan: "Yeah, you know, there's a vent that goes outside. It must just like suck the socks in. Like, you know, it'll be spinning [waves hands and makes whirring sound] and then it goes like 'dounk' and sucks it into the vent, and then blows it out the other end outside."

Rameez: "If we were ever to find that, that would be like the motherload of socks."

Jonathan: "I should make a comic stip about this. Like in the first scene clothes spinning in the dryer, and in the second, like the same scene, but then 'dounk' and the sock gets sucked into the vent, and then in the the third scene, like a sock shooting out into someone's lawn, or onto a pile of socks or something. If I had any artistic talent at all, I'd so draw that up right now."

[comment] [rate] 4/5

[link] heard: unknown
[edit] added: unknown

"I've been reading about all these crazy Jewish cultures which may or may not have to do with my research project."

[comment] [rate] no rating

[link] heard: unknown
[edit] added: unknown

"I'm the one who's sleep deprived. Why are *you* delusional?"

[comment] [rate] no rating

[link] heard: unknown
[edit] added: unknown

"You know, when a whole language becomes DDR steps, you know you have a problem."

commenting on my study habits
ddr, language, philosophy, school
[comment] [rate] 1/5

[link] heard: unknown
[edit] added: unknown

"You two go get ass; I'm doing my work."

[comment] [rate] no rating

[link] heard: unknown
[edit] added: unknown

"No, I didn't learn anything senior year—it must've been junior year. . . . In French I mean."

[comment] [rate] no rating