"I understand how time passes; it just doesn't make sense." [ view | more ]



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[link] heard: 17 August 2020
[edit] added: 2 April 2024

(22:39) Jonathan: What's up with the firewood stacked to the ceiling behind Bernie?

(22:39) Jonathan: (Sorry, watching the DNC, not sure what to make of Bernie's backdrop)

(22:41) DC: [...] He's probably just doing it from his backyard?

(22:41) Jonathan: Lol, yeah I feel like he's in a woodshed

(22:42) DC: lol might just be the spot in his yard with the

best service

[comment] [rate] no rating

[link] heard: 6 July 2020
[edit] added: 2 April 2024

"The president's defense has been «I don't read it». That's like a pilot telling you he doesn't read the instruments in the cockpit. That pilot is going to get you killed."

Lawrence O'Donnell
politics, stupidity, incompetence, insanity, death
[comment] [rate] no rating

[link] heard: 8 July 2020
[edit] added: 2 April 2024

(18:54:03) khannatanmai: I guess if we struggled with ambiguity in daily life, language would be pretty inefficient

(18:54:13) spectie: khannatanmai: welcome to firespeaker's world ;DDD

[comment] [rate] no rating

[link] heard: 18 June 2020
[edit] added: 2 April 2024

"I feel like the Titanic has struck an iceberg, and the crew is being asked to put on a play while bailing water."

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[link] heard: 30 April 2020
[edit] added: 2 April 2024

(23:00:22) khannatanmai: "Another possibility is to allow the Assembly to amend the bylaws without involving the PMC, so we can handle abuse of power when and if it happens."

(23:00:33) khannatanmai: what kind of abuse of power does he have in mind?

(23:00:42) khannatanmai: we're a tiny group doing rule based MT :p

(23:29:13) popcorndude: power corrupts

(23:29:24) popcorndude: finite-state power corrupts finitely

(23:29:34) popcorndude: we should be fine

[comment] [rate] no rating

[link] heard: 24 February 2020
[edit] added: 2 April 2024

movie: "And a happy new year!"

EJW: "That's not a happy new year. It's a bad one."

[comment] [rate] no rating

[link] heard: 21 June 2019
[edit] added: 2 April 2024

"I forget if oygn is spelled with an ayin or not."

[comment] [rate] no rating

[link] heard: 18 June 2019
[edit] added: 7 February 2021

"You know what they say—everyone has their own o-pinyin about how to transliterate Chinese."

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[link] heard: 8 February 2019
[edit] added: 7 February 2021

(12:56:11) jonathan: this rewording is very minor but does seem to get rid of one of the issues at least

(12:56:39) jonathan: I'm not positive, though; I have to force myself to misunderstand my own thoughts to even evaluate whether it's maybe fixed :(

(12:56:53) Фрэн: well, i can help with that

[comment] [rate] no rating

[link] heard: 9 December 2018
[edit] added: 7 February 2021

(01:22:06) sushain: ah who needs grad students

(01:22:09) sushain: if you have 2TB of RAM

[comment] [rate] no rating

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by Jonathan North Washington
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