(18:48:18) jonathan: a lot of Mongol stuff in China is hand-written
(18:48:30) Фрэн: or in CLSEFJSGHXDHT
(18:48:31) Фрэн: script
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2017 |
(18:48:18) jonathan: a lot of Mongol stuff in China is hand-written
(18:48:30) Фрэн: or in CLSEFJSGHXDHT
(18:48:31) Фрэн: script
Sam: "I'm going to sing a Mongolian song."
[Sam clears throat]
Niko: "That's actually the name of the song."
Orgil: "...and I don't get as much of an Anthropology perspective from prof. Atwood and prof. Kara—my advisor, and the other great Mongolist in the—"
other student: "—world."
"It was framed within Marxist—... I was going to say ‘theology’—which I think I'll stick with."
"Wow, their cows look pretty cool. Oh wait, they're yaks."
"In Azərbaycan when someone is stupid we call them a Mongol."
"It's like he's the movie Speed, but a Mongolist."
"Шинэ семестр, шинэ итгэл..."
"I ego-attach a little bit to Mongolia: I'm jaded and I drink a lot. The good things about Mongolia."
Багш: "Дөрөвдөх өдөр IMUд хүн бүр хүхдүүд хайртай гэдэг кино болно: Everybody Loves Babies."
Мөнх-Эрдэнэ: "Яагаад?"
Baatar: "I wonder what happened."
Jonathan: "They're probably just being Central Asians."
Baatar: "Yeah, they'll show up really late."
Jonathan: "‘We'll be there on Monday.’"
Baatar: "Yeah, but they wouldn't say that."
Jonathan: "Yeah, they'd probably came up with some excuse."
Baatar: "They'll just show up three days later on their microbus and say, ‘We couldn't cross river.’"
Baatar: "‘We made good time across Russia, but then we got to the Atlantic.’"
"For Indiana, Irkutsk is gay-friendly."
Тэмүүжин: "‘Дулаахан’ means ‘slow’, right?"
Everyone: "No."
Тэмүүжин: "‘Дулаан’ then?"
... [everyone pauses]
Тэмүүжин: "I'm getting colder, aren't I?"
Чулуун: "Okay, so the second group will just be two lines behind the entire song. Does that make sense?"
[everyone nods]
Чулуун: "Okay, so, first group? Second group?"
[pause while everyone looks around]
Багш: "Баатар!"