(21:59:14) [me]: isn't it funny, that it's C Store and Java City [ view | more ]



Interesting things said in my presence

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(you'll need a firespeaker.org account to rate quotes)

Category: alcohol


most quoted re "alcohol": Jonathan North Washington (21), other (16), Aladnsane (7), Rianna (7), oberon (5)

other categories found with "alcohol": sadness (16), food (13), SSSR (13), bad-ideas (11), badness (10)

Viewing 71 of 1473 Result(s)
[ sort: date / rating, ↓ ]

[link] heard: 21 August 2014
[edit] added: 22 August 2014

(03:44:57) taylskid: living in a notorious party area definitely has its pros and cons

(03:45:04) taylskid: on one hand, it's loud a lot of the time

(03:45:22) taylskid: on the other hand, you get to watch people make that awkward walk of shame home

(03:45:49) taylskid: tonight I saw a guy throw a punch and fall over, and some girl just puked in the street screaming "get turnt"

[comment] [rate] no rating

[link] heard: 21 June 2014
[edit] added: 22 June 2014

(20:59:11) spectie: weFFIOJEoiweg;oiejg

(21:06:20) spectie: oijoij

(21:09:23) sushain: er

(21:09:24) sushain: hi spectie

(21:09:27) sushain: are you ok?

(21:21:17) spiegelian: sushain, it's a code, you have to break it

(21:45:07) sushain: spiegelian: hmmm

(21:46:07) sushain: 'weFFIOJEoiweg = went to the bar. oiejg = had some beer. oijoij = going to bed now

[comment] [rate] no rating

[link] heard: 17 April 2014
[edit] added: 18 April 2014

Fran: [həvjəgɔʔˈbɪː]

Cashier: "What's [bɪː]?"

[comment] [rate] no rating

[link] heard: 6 October 2013
[edit] added: 14 October 2013

(06:07:50) spectie: firespeaker, lol, i got home drunk last night at around 1am, and i wake up now and i find a terminal open with a lexc file for karakalpak

(06:07:56) spectie: firespeaker, i don't remember writing it :|

[comment] [rate] no rating

[link] heard: 30 June 2013
[edit] added: 30 June 2013

"But they're Russian tourists—they'll drink anything. It was probably petrol."

[comment] [rate] no rating

[link] heard: 31 January 2011
[edit] added: 31 January 2011

"I think hung over driving, while not as dangerous as drunk driving, is probably at least as non-productive. The other day I sat at stop sign through two songs waiting for it to turn green."

[comment] [rate] no rating

[link] heard: 3 December 2010
[edit] added: 3 December 2010

"I ego-attach a little bit to Mongolia: I'm jaded and I drink a lot. The good things about Mongolia."

[comment] [rate] no rating

[link] heard: 16 January 2010
[edit] added: 16 January 2010

Jonathan: "Пиво тебе понравилось?"

Толгонай: "Вкус как лимонад. Имено лимонный лимонад. Классно - первое пиво которое мне понравилось."

[comment] [rate] no rating

[link] heard: 25 October 2009
[edit] added: 24 October 2009

"Okay, here's one of my stories about moonshine. So I have this uncle named Sam, and he's married to a French woman..."

[comment] [rate] no rating

[link] heard: 16 December 2008
[edit] added: 16 December 2008

(17:35:25) Michael T: i wonder if you can make eggnog from mayo

[comment] [rate] no rating

[link] heard: 9 June 2008
[edit] added: 9 June 2008

(18:14:29) Aladnsane: a cubic litre? Litre is a measurement of volume; at best, a cubic litre would be a round about way of saying litre per cubic... something? ;)

(18:14:54) [me]: no, a cubic litre is a five-dimensional measurement I made up :-P

(18:15:30) Aladnsane: whoa man, 5 dimensional alcohol quantities? now THAT is how you get messed up.

[comment] [rate] no rating

[link] heard: 6 June 2008
[edit] added: 5 June 2008

(04:01:06) Aladnsane: *shrug* Go to a college bar. Throw a rock. Whoever shouts 'ouch' is 10:1 to have an IQ between... 10 and 1.

[comment] [rate] no rating

[link] heard: 18 March 2008
[edit] added: 19 March 2008

Тралик: "Чай ичесиңби?"

мен: "Уф, жок, болдум."

Тралик: "Давай, паслений стакан."

мен: "Макул. Элүү грам."

[comment] [rate] no rating

[link] heard: 1 March 2008
[edit] added: 1 March 2008

(18:24:50) Jóhann: im such a loser and super nörd :P
last night, my friend asked me "Iceland is lowering the drinking age to 19, want to go out tonight"
I said "Nah, I am doing some massive edits on the Chechen wikipedia, might get 300 articles tonight" :P

(18:25:07) Jóhann: and i did :D

(18:25:09) Jóhann: 300 articles :D

[comment] [rate] no rating

[link] heard: 23 February 2008
[edit] added: 22 February 2008

"‘Stop hugging strange men and sit down.’ … Oh, that's actually what's happening."

[comment] [rate] no rating

[link] heard: 23 February 2008
[edit] added: 22 February 2008

[band plays rock song]

Natalie: "It's really talking to my heart."

Katy: "The beer?"

Natalie and Katy
emoness, music, alcohol
[comment] [rate] no rating

[link] heard: 31 January 2008
[edit] added: 31 January 2008

(23:33:41) Rianna: You "saw" her? Either you mean, that she says you did, but you don't recall or that you hallucinated her while incredibly drunk, because it's too cold there for mirages

(23:35:21) [me]: no, she says I saw her, but I don't really remember. She certainly saw me

(23:35:49) Rianna: Were you wearing one of your Kyrgyz pimp hats?

[comment] [rate] no rating

[link] heard: 26 January 2008
[edit] added: 26 January 2008

(22:53:40) [me]: it's the cheapest wine I've seen

(22:53:59) [me]: it's cheaper than like soda

(22:54:02) [me]: and bottled water

(22:54:30) Rianna: I some how doubt Jesus has been active in their area :-p

[comment] [rate] no rating

[link] heard: 24 December 2007
[edit] added: 24 December 2007

Jonathan: "Well, alcohol leads to bad judgement; beer takes a little while."

Lara: "Well, maybe for you; for me, it's like three sips, and then… you know, bad judgement. Not really bad, though."

[comment] [rate] no rating

[link] heard: 17 December 2007
[edit] added: 16 December 2007

(01:37:57) Rianna: Drunk friends = free entertainment

in reference to quote #1123
alcohol, friends, sadness
[comment] [rate] no rating

[link] heard: 17 December 2007
[edit] added: 16 December 2007

(01:29:38) Amanda: look at my smileys

(01:29:46) Amanda: >:o angry!

(01:30:44) [me]: ..

(01:31:37) Amanda: you see my lo9bster?

(01:32:00) [me]: what?


(01:32:39) Amanda: no my smiley faces are lobsters

(01:32:55) [me]: oh

(01:32:58) [me]: yeah, they kind of are

(01:32:59) [me]: it's weird

(01:33:14) Amanda: no they're literally lobsters

(01:33:22) Amanda: do you see them?

(01:33:47) [me]: ....

(01:33:53) [me]: then how about I say "no" this time

(01:34:01) [me]: no

(01:34:03) [me]: I haven't seen them

(01:34:08) Amanda: 'm confused

[comment] [rate] no rating

[link] heard: 8 December 2007
[edit] added: 7 December 2007

(13:32:30) Brenda: you check, i call him up to pick me up and drive me places and everytime he is happy to come and everytime he gets lost and i have to give up and catch a bus. like, what is the point of relationships? clearly there can be no love bc such cannot exist in the rotted and twisted hearts of men (no offense; it is a gender thing, not a sex thing, which means you're fine bc you are an individual who creates himself outside of societal presssures and definitions)

(13:32:53) Brenda: and men who have 16 hours hangovers and get lost right when you need them have otherwise no point

[comment] [rate] no rating

[link] heard: 4 December 2007
[edit] added: 4 December 2007

"It [the bottle of vodka] is not a microphone. Drink."

[comment] [rate] no rating

[link] heard: 23 November 2007
[edit] added: 25 November 2007

"You know, I've drunk more in the last two weeks than .. in the last three."

[comment] [rate] no rating

[link] heard: 22 November 2007
[edit] added: 25 November 2007

"There's something about mountain people and alcohol—you know, they're not strangers."

James, during a Thanksgiving toast
alcohol, people, SSSR, anthropology, humanity, kyrgyz, provincialism
[comment] [rate] no rating

[link] heard: 22 November 2007
[edit] added: 25 November 2007

"You don't know Central Asia if you think eating trumps toasts."

Colin, in reference to a toast during Thanksgiving dinner
alcohol, food, sadness, SSSR, kyrgyz, patriotism
[comment] [rate] 3/5

[link] heard: 1 November 2007
[edit] added: 1 November 2007

Thatcher: "So what was that half-hour-long toast about?"

Tamunia: "It's about love; it doesn't translate into English."

tear-jerking toasts in Georgia
alcohol, not-heard-myself, love, SSSR, language
[comment] [rate] no rating

[link] heard: 31 October 2007
[edit] added: 31 October 2007

"There's almost as many crows as there was percent alcohol in that beer."

actually, there were more. a lot more.
alcohol, animals, analogies, SSSR
[comment] [rate] no rating

[link] heard: 2 July 2007
[edit] added: 3 July 2007

"I can just see Thomas Jefferson and Ben Franklin sitting down over a glass of Sam Adams."

[comment] [rate] 4/5

[link] heard: 30 June 2007
[edit] added: 30 June 2007

(20:03:17) [Sarah]: Albert keeps telling me to not drink that much in Poland. I was like,"Poland = VODKA!"

(20:03:31) [me]: yeah

(20:03:36) [me]: but be careful when you do drink

(20:04:11) [me]: people try to take advantage of drunk people

(20:04:30) [Sarah]: Oh they don't want to fuck with me. The Mexicans have tried that.

(20:32:24) [Sarah]: I've started to speak to the Mexicans in Polish and Japanese so they'll leave me alone.

(20:35:27) [Sarah]: Well I have a sign on my forehead that says "EASY PIECE OF ASS! VEN AQUI!"

(20:40:30) [Sarah]: The last time I was in Walmart with a friend, I had a Mexican following me around and he was speaking in English and wouldn't leave me alone so I just started going,"Nie rozumiem. Nihongo ga rozumiesz?"

(20:43:49) [Sarah]: I was like,"What do you want?" "I just want to talk." "Mexicans NEVER want to just talk to me."

[comment] [rate] no rating

[link] heard: 1 June 2007
[edit] added: 2 June 2007

"I'm going to be in the art building tomorrow at noon, with beer, rocks, and paint."

[comment] [rate] no rating

[link] heard: 20 May 2007
[edit] added: 20 May 2007

(00:43:04) Rianna: i love chatting with my drunk friends, but i had to sleep

[comment] [rate] no rating

[link] heard: 13 April 2007
[edit] added: 13 April 2007

"But how will you know how to drive drunk unless you practice?"

[comment] [rate] no rating

[link] heard: 30 March 2007
[edit] added: 31 March 2007

"I don't like to pee—it's just something I have to do a lot."

[comment] [rate] no rating

[link] heard: 18 February 2007
[edit] added: 19 February 2007

"Let me tell you, Chuck-for-the-buck is the best."

[comment] [rate] no rating

[link] heard: 23 January 2007
[edit] added: 23 January 2007

(23:14:08) [Sarah]: Yeah...I can see me in Poland...I'll have to remember not to go out and get drunk.

[comment] [rate] no rating

[link] heard: 17 November 2006
[edit] added: 17 November 2006

(01:11:15) [me]: you're really getting into this quoting thing tonight

(01:11:29) [Aladnsane]: No. I'm really getting into this insobriety thing tonight.

(01:11:34) [Aladnsane]: Which is close.

(01:11:43) [Aladnsane]: Because insobriety tends to lead to quotes

(01:12:03) [Aladnsane]: That, and I've been reading your quotes page and, to be honest, missing that brief period when I dominated it ;)

(01:12:20) [Aladnsane]: If only because we spent WAY too much time battling linux and drinking

[comment] [rate] no rating

[link] heard: 17 November 2006
[edit] added: 17 November 2006

(01:01:57) [Aladnsane]: But seriously, when you show someone ID that says it's your 21st birthday, order a drink they don't know how to make. and then /tell them how to make it/... it tends to put a damper on their machismo.

[comment] [rate] no rating

[link] heard: 28 October 2006
[edit] added: 28 October 2006

Jonathan: "That's what weekends are for: taking care of stuff that got out of hand during the week."

Rianna: "Yeah, like sobriety."

[comment] [rate] 4/5

[link] heard: 31 July 2006
[edit] added: 1 September 2006

Doug: "Cause after 2 beers, I'm starting to feel it. I don't get mean; I just get gay and happy—or maybe ‘gay’ isn't the right word."

Shoshana: "No, you definitely do not get gay."

[comment] [rate] no rating

[link] heard: 14 June 2006
[edit] added: 13 June 2006

02:22:23 [Aaron]: (i need to hear a drunk irishman speak in order to live out my accent fantasy)

[comment] [rate] no rating

[link] heard: 30 May 2006
[edit] added: 30 May 2006

"Formatting in LaTeX is like spending the extra couple of bucks to have a good liquor in your cocktail."

[comment] [rate] 5/5

[link] heard: 15 May 2006
[edit] added: 15 May 2006

"Bartending in America is just making a lot of blowjobs and sex on the beach for sorority girls. If you don't have standards and you don't have a fear of venereal diseases, then bartending in America can be a good way to get a lot of blowjobs and sex on the beach from sorority girls. However, I have standards and a fear of venereal diseases."

[comment] [rate] no rating

[link] heard: 13 May 2006
[edit] added: 13 May 2006

"Parks are good for stuff like drinking. …And kissing."

[comment] [rate] no rating

[link] heard: 5 May 2006
[edit] added: 5 May 2006

Jonathan: "I think I spilled margarita on my laptop."

Aladnsane: "…Dude, you're licking your laptop!"

Jonathan: "But it's sour. Wait, this could be battery acid. That would be bad."

[comment] [rate] no rating

[link] heard: 5 May 2006
[edit] added: 5 May 2006

Aladnsane: "Don't tip this. There's a beverage involved."

Jonathan: "But I like tipping things with beverages involved… like cows."

[comment] [rate] 4/5

[link] heard: 21 April 2006
[edit] added: 21 April 2006

"This tastes like melted lollipops."

about Manischewitz
alcohol, food, bad-ideas, religion, analogies
[comment] [rate] no rating

[link] heard: 27 March 2006
[edit] added: 27 March 2006

Leyzer: "I should drop International Relations and take Georgian."

me: "The Georgian language is like international relations."

Shoshana: "Georgian wine maybe…"

[comment] [rate] 4/5

[link] heard: 10 August 2005
[edit] added: 10 August 2005

Leslie: "[In Central Asia], at least as a girl they don't make you drink."

Chay: "Go to Kyrgyzstan."

[comment] [rate] no rating

[link] heard: 1 July 2005
[edit] added: 4 July 2005

Shawn: "He's so gay. He must spend at least 3 hours on his moustache alone in the morning!"

Michaela: "Oh, come on–you know you like girls who do that."

[comment] [rate] no rating

[link] heard: 1 July 2005
[edit] added: 4 July 2005

"What kind of listen do you guys music to?"

[comment] [rate] no rating

[link] heard: 21 March 2005
[edit] added: 21 March 2005

(03:56:53) Qatharsis: It's not like one could get drunk from American pisswater.

(03:57:19) Qatharsis: And they even have the nerve to make light versions of the stuff.

[comment] [rate] 4/5

[link] heard: 2 March 2005
[edit] added: 2 March 2005

"Guys, I have a get rich slow scheme. Okay, owning a cellar is a lot cheaper than owning a vinyard..."

[comment] [rate] no rating

[link] heard: 25 February 2005
[edit] added: 25 February 2005

"I was like wait a minute, I can taste the alcohol in this, but then I realised it was the grapefruit."

[comment] [rate] no rating

[link] heard: 17 January 2005
[edit] added: 17 January 2005

[discussion about birth control in Kazakhstan]

Jess: "Well, there are always used kvas bottles."

Jonathan [hands Jess a glass bottle]: "Here. You know where to put it. Be my guest."

Ian: "Well, if the condom breaks, you'll know right away."

[Whole room cringes in pain.]

Ian: "Mental note: no glass condoms."

Matt: "Well, there goes my version of Cinderella ."

[comment] [rate] no rating

[link] heard: 10 December 2004
[edit] added: 10 December 2004

"I think s'more Schnapps is the best idea ever. Do they make that? Graham cracker liquour?"

[comment] [rate] no rating

[link] heard: 23 October 2004
[edit] added: 23 October 2004

"Isn't that what freshman do? Drink, sleep around, and move in herds?"

[comment] [rate] no rating

[link] heard: 1 October 2004
[edit] added: 2 October 2004

Jon: "Who left the iced tea pitcher with 2 shots in it?"

Vickie: "Wait, you don't measure iced tea in shots."

Nat & Jonathan simultaneously: "Jon measures everything in shots."

[comment] [rate] 3/5

[link] heard: 30 September 2004
[edit] added: 30 September 2004

"I don't think I've had enough to drink. I can still type all my passwords."

[comment] [rate] no rating

[link] heard: 30 September 2004
[edit] added: 30 September 2004

Vickie: "Yes, you can change positions. Refusing to change your positions just means your pig-headed and stubborn and stupid."

Jonathan: "That makes me sad."

[anon]: "Drink up, Jonathan. That's the leader of the `free world'."

[comment] [rate] no rating

[link] heard: 30 September 2004
[edit] added: 30 September 2004

oberon: "Yeah, they're not even allowed to talk to eachother. It's not even a debate, it's a joint press conference."

Matt: "That's why the only appropriate way to respond to the political system in this country is to imbibe alcohol."

[comment] [rate] no rating

[link] heard: 30 September 2004
[edit] added: 30 September 2004

"There's nothing that starts with chocolate and rum and ends with balls that's not good."

[comment] [rate] no rating

[link] heard: 28 September 2004
[edit] added: 28 September 2004

Jon: "Ooh, we could so make a white Russian."

Jonathan: "With cranberry vodka?"

Vickie: "That would be a gay white Russian. It'd be a rainbow Russian."

[comment] [rate] no rating

[link] heard: 25 September 2004
[edit] added: 25 September 2004

oberon wanted to try a brandy-filled chocolate

Greer: "Sorry, you don't get that kind because there's only one left."

Jonathan: "You can have my half if you want."

oberon: "That's okay, a vodka and a lawyer are enough for me."

[comment] [rate] no rating

[link] heard: 13 July 2004
[edit] added: 13 July 2004

Jonathan: "Это маленький мир."

Руслан: "Это большая деревня."

[comment] [rate] no rating

[link] heard: 0 June 2004
[edit] added: 13 July 2004

Jonathan: "Database."

Руслан: "Я это не понимаю. Derbes, это пиво."

Руслан Болатбеков
deepness, russian, alcohol, computers, technology, phonetics, multilingualisms
[comment] [rate] no rating

[link] heard: 17 April 2004
[edit] added: 17 April 2004

group: "Hey, oberon, try some fake absinthe."

oberon: "But that's fake bad crap. Which of these adjectives are good?"

[comment] [rate] no rating

[link] heard: 27 February 2004
[edit] added: 28 February 2004

"Yo ho ho and a bottle of peppermint schnapps."

[comment] [rate] no rating

[link] heard: 22 January 2004
[edit] added: 25 January 2004

"I actually went to modfest and got spilled beer on."

Aaron abuses the English language
college, brandeis, language, alcohol
[comment] [rate] no rating

[link] heard: 19 July 2003
[edit] added: 19 July 2003

Nathan: "Take his keys."

Me: "He's walking home."

Nathan: "Take them anyway; he might drive his house into something."

me and Nathan Kuhlman, in reference to Marat
weirdness, craziness, alcohol, driving
[comment] [rate] 4/5

[link] heard: unknown
[edit] added: unknown

Me: "What's that thing when you mix orange juice with vodka?"

Hannah: "Suicide?"

[comment] [rate] no rating