(15:22:45) [me]: typing while translating from Russian isn't an exact science
Interesting things said in my presence
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other categories found with "mistranslations": language (9), russian (4), provincialism (2), patriotism (2), spanish (2)
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[edit] added: 24 July 2008
(19:13:28) [me]: yeah, they have a lot of quays in canada
(19:13:39) [Tristan]: probably to keep the americans out
[edit] added: 17 May 2008
(17:23:23) [me]: "More data would have to be gathered to determine what the underlying cause of these dichotomies is"
(17:23:37) [me]: (is there anything you'd change with that?)
(17:24:31) kesuari: (yes, of course i would; i find academic written language and the spoken language that is essentially its read version incredibly hard to understand)
(17:24:49) kesuari: (but unfortunately making it just normal english wouldn't be thesis-like enough)
(17:24:50) syljwesandhr: (so what would you change?)
(17:25:11) kesuari: "if we want to work out what actually causing these differences, we'll have to get more data"
[edit] added: 10 February 2008
Назгүл: "Я хочу взяться за это дело."
мен: "Кандай?"
Назгүл: "Ошол ишти баштайын деп элем."
мен: "А ‘взяться’ деген не?"
Назгүл: "‘Алуу’ деген мааниси берет."
мен: "Бирок кыргызча котормосунда ‘алуу’ деген сөздү айткан жоксуң."
Назгүл: "Я не профессионал."
[edit] added: 15 May 2007
Chuck: "There's Low German forms, Middle High German forms, Upper High German forms, and even Anglo-Frisian forms. This is weird!"
Derek: "Maybe a non-native speaker wrote it."
Chuck: "Or they had some pretty heavy stuff back then."
[edit] added: 29 March 2007
Jonathan: "My favourite translation tool on the internet is to look something up on wikipedia in the source language, and then click the link to the article in the destination language."
Joyce: "Oh yeah, I only ever did that to look up how Star Trek was written in katakana."
[edit] added: 31 July 2005
"Spaniards, they are son of the bitch."
[edit] added: 13 July 2004
Jonathan: "Это маленький мир."
Руслан: "Это большая деревня."
[edit] added: 8 December 2003
(05:00:19) Aarón: i just broke down a translation of desfortunamente for my friend
(05:00:28) me: desafortunadamente?
(05:00:34) Aarón: yeah
(05:00:37) Aarón: what did i say?
(05:00:46) Aarón: oy
(05:00:52) ***Aarón is too tired for this crap
(05:01:12) Aarón: anyway, i was all des=fortunate fortunada=un mente=ly
(05:01:20) Aarón: then i realized, um...
(05:01:29) Aarón: un is NOT equal to fortunate
[edit] added: 6 June 2003
(22:42:55) [me]: yeah, vxptj. It's a bunch of sounds together that could almost be russian but not quite
(22:43:01) [Vickie]: oh that means "gurgle" i guess...but not really its the sound of water running over rocks in a stream
[edit] added: 4 June 2003
"When you are on the road is life, not forgetting the wandering of roses on the sea."
[edit] added: unknown
"Everything's filtered through the little woods we live in."