[English department turns off lights and opens door because it's hot out]
[Confused undergrads misconstrue this to mean they're closed, so English department puts up sign]
Sign reads: "We're open. Come on in!"
Jonathan: "Hey, you ended a sentence with a preposition! Two even!"
Secretary 1: "… Oh no!" [tears down sign]
Jonathan: "Yeah, what'll people think of the English department‽"
Secretary 1: "Yeah, we have to fix that!"
Jonathan: "How're you gonna fix it?"
Secretary 1: "… Uhm… We could maybe leave just one preposition? ‘We're open; come in.’ But no, I guess we need to get rid of both. ‘We're open; come!’"
Jonathan: "Yeah, that might work. Good thing we caught it!"
Secretary 2: "Yeah, they're going to shame me and fire me tomorrow when they find out about this!"
[Jonathan tells Joyce the story]
Joyce: "You shouldn't mess with people like that."