"Okay, be careful when you're going to the bathroom, cause we don't want toilet paper falling in the toilet." [ view | more ]



Interesting things said in my presence

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Category: randomness


most quoted re "randomness": Jonathan North Washington (11), other (8), oberon (4), RZ (3), David Borenstein (2)

other categories found with "randomness": weirdness (9), language (5), linguistics (5), brandeis (4), food (4)

Viewing 31 of 1473 Result(s)
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[link] heard: 28 December 2014
[edit] added: 28 December 2014

(23:34:45) vigneshv: 140 px :D

(23:34:54) firespeaker: vigneshv: I can think of words longer than that

(23:35:01) firespeaker: I have some 153px words

(23:35:17) sushain: (10:35:00 PM) firespeaker: I have some 153px words <- wait, was that random?

(23:35:30) sushain: or do you actually have a 153px word

(23:35:30) firespeaker: i.e., not a good measure of word-length ;)

(23:35:33) sushain: LOL

(23:35:34) sushain: ok

(23:35:35) vigneshv: ill change

(23:35:40) firespeaker: point made? ;)

[comment] [rate] no rating

[link] heard: 30 January 2008
[edit] added: 30 January 2008

[Пирожки сатып алган киоскта турганда]

Эже: "Пирожки [что-то что-то орусча]?".

Мен: "Кетти, азыр келет."

Эже: "Нет, пирожки [что-то что-то орусча]?"

Мен: "Көрбөй турасызбы? Пирошки бар, ээси азыр келет."

Эже: "Нет, Вы меня не поняли. Пирожки [что-то что-то орусча]?"

Мен: [Жарайт, деп ойлоп атам.] "Түшүнбөдүм. Орус эмесмин."

Эже: "Почему?"

Мен: "Орус эмесмин го."

Эже: "Неге?"

Мен: [ийинимди көтөрөм]

Эже: "Чынында орус эмессизби? Анда сиз кимсиз?"

Мен: "Америкалыкмын."

Эже [өзүнө]: "Мм, орусча билбейт экен."

Мен: "Жок, орусча билем, сиздин айтканыңызды эле түшүнбөдүм."

[comment] [rate] no rating

[link] heard: 23 November 2007
[edit] added: 25 November 2007

Thatcher: "And her father was the largest contractor in Kenya—"

Colin: "He was huge!"

Thatcher: "Yeah, he was like 400lbs."

Colin: [buffs up, effects burly voice] "Want me to build you a shed!?"

Colin messes with Thatcher's story
weirdness, machoism, misparsings, randomness, provincialism
[comment] [rate] no rating

[link] heard: 21 August 2007
[edit] added: 22 August 2007

[arrives on plane for connecting flight 5 minutes before scheduled take-off (40 minutes before actual take-off), and finds seat taken]

me: "You're in my seat."

other passenger: "Uh, well, we had to to, uhm—"

flight attendant: "Just sit anywhere."

[other passengers laugh]

I apparently missed some musical chairs…
randomness, weirdness, confusion
[comment] [rate] no rating

[link] heard: 20 November 2006
[edit] added: 21 November 2006

"I like that bus—they're all gettin' on him. Oh, rats, they found me!"

The driver of the 73X bus as it stopped at 42nd and the Ave right behind another 73X bus.
driving, annoyingness, randomness
[comment] [rate] no rating

[link] heard: 20 November 2006
[edit] added: 20 November 2006

"This is not a non-word! [xkɬpltθkʰft] is a non-word."

[comment] [rate] 3/5

[link] heard: 28 May 2006
[edit] added: 29 May 2006

kid in car: "Hey, I know you!"

Jonathan: "Do you?"

older girl in car: "He's 11."

Jonathan: "Oh, okay."

[comment] [rate] no rating

[link] heard: 4 May 2006
[edit] added: 4 May 2006

Jonathan: "Why did the French decide to settle Louisiana? What were they thinking, with the bayous and the prehistorical aligator-looking thingies that eat you?"

Gabe: "Well, the French are frogs, right?"

Jonathan: "Well, they eat frogs."

Derek: "Maybe they were looking for Yoda."

[comment] [rate] 3/5

[link] heard: 7 February 2006
[edit] added: 7 February 2006

05:39:41 [me]: how big's the file?

05:39:49 [Tristan]: 346 MB

05:40:07 [Tristan]: (my internet connection's really fast, so i replied before i got the question)

05:40:44 [Tristan]: or maybe this?:

(00:39:51) [Tristan]: 346 MB

(00:39:53) [me]: how big's the file?

(00:40:15) [Tristan]: (my internet connection's really fast, so i replied before i got the question)

05:41:12 [me]:

05:39:41 [me]: how big's the file?

05:39:49 [Tristan]: 346 MB

05:40:07 [Tristan]: (my internet connection's really fast, so i replied before i got the question)

05:41:32 [me]: *someone's* internet isn't as fast as it should be

05:41:40 [me]: probably fault of my stupid ethernet cord though

05:42:11 [Tristan]: probably

05:42:22 [Tristan]: yours must be slow, and mine fast, to make me able to reply before your question gets here

05:42:38 [me]: .. what?

05:42:44 [me]: oh, that actually makes some sense

05:42:47 [me]: scarily enough

05:43:12 [Tristan]: lol

05:43:18 [Tristan]: don't i normally?

05:44:14 [me]: in weird ways like that? Emphatically yes.

05:44:39 [Tristan]: no, i mean in normal ways, like that

05:44:50 [me]: that's what I mean

05:44:54 [me]: you just think it's normal

05:45:00 [me]: cause it's you

05:45:51 [Tristan]: actually, i was a bit scared it would be patent nonsense,

05:46:02 [Tristan]: but i thought i should try anyway

05:46:02 [Tristan]: and it worked :)

05:46:16 [me]: no, you see, it did make some sense

05:46:45 [Tristan]: yeah, that's what i mean

05:46:45 [Tristan]: i was scared it would be patent nonsense

05:46:45 [Tristan]: and it wasn't

05:46:58 [Tristan]: so my attempts at communication resulted in some communication

05:47:10 [Tristan]: which is what working communication should do

05:47:10 [Tristan]: so it worked :)

05:47:21 [me]: you mean you were afraid it would come across as such?

05:47:37 [me]: (and hey, give me some credit too, I understood your nonesense)

05:47:38 [Tristan]: i was afraid it would come across as patent nonsense, but that wasn't my objective

05:47:43 [Tristan]: i was trying to communicate :)

05:47:44 [me]: okay

05:47:46 [me]: yeah

05:47:49 [me]: well, you succeeded

05:47:51 [Tristan]: i wasn't meaning to deprive you of any

05:47:57 [me]: after I thought on it some..

05:48:00 [Tristan]: yeah, but only after much effort just now!

[comment] [rate] no rating

[link] heard: 5 May 2005
[edit] added: 4 July 2005

(21:33:01) Laura C: i just set my homework assigment sheet on fire.

(21:33:59) Laura C: I have 3 or 4 pages between me and becoming a junior.

(21:34:26) Laura C: But it's actually a lot of work. So in 5 hours, i should be done. But i can't bring myself to do these STUPID ASSIGMENTS so i set it on fire.

(21:35:46) Laura C: Now i think i'll clean out my fridge

[comment] [rate] no rating

[link] heard: 28 January 2005
[edit] added: 28 January 2005

Nat: "Don't you want 50cc of chocolate ice cream?"

Vickie: "Oh! I need to call my mother!"

[comment] [rate] no rating

[link] heard: 8 December 2004
[edit] added: 10 December 2004

"I appreciate sound changes—I'm talking about duck lenition!"

[comment] [rate] 3/5

[link] heard: 7 December 2004
[edit] added: 7 December 2004

oberon: [whistles beginning of The Good, The Bad, The Ugly theme]

Jon: [walking away, completes the theme with "wahn wahn wahn"]

[comment] [rate] no rating

[link] heard: 7 November 2004
[edit] added: 7 November 2004

Jonathan: "So OS 9 was giving problems, and then the projector blew up."

oberon: "Well, I don't think that was OS 9's fault."

Jonathan: "It probably was. I'd love to be the author of that code."

oberon: "Adam would sue you for stealing his copyrighted code."

Jonathan: "I'm putting that on my quotes page. Adam wouldn't approve of it though."

oberon: "But do you disagree?"

Jonathan: "No, but he won't be happy."

[comment] [rate] no rating

[link] heard: 6 October 2004
[edit] added: 6 October 2004

(01:11:36) Matt S: Lemurs stole my syllabery.

(01:11:42) [me]: ?

(01:11:56) Matt S: They tricked me, they said they just wanted to borrow it, and now they're all, like, "What syllabery?"

(01:12:05) [me]: oh?

(01:12:18) Matt S: Yeah. Well, just wanted to let you know to be on the lookout.

[comment] [rate] 2/5

[link] heard: 28 September 2004
[edit] added: 28 September 2004

"So I was behind Ziv commons carrying all the archery stuff waiting for people to come for archery, and along comes an angry mob of hundreds of people carrying signs saying `Ban the assault rifles!' and they saw me. And I was scared, but I should've been all like `Yeah, down with the assault rifles!' Then I'd be in charge."

[comment] [rate] 4/5

[link] heard: 26 September 2004
[edit] added: 26 September 2004

oberon: "In one of those tests linked to on Jon's test page, there's a question that asks 'Do you frequently make references to things that you have heard or read?'"

Matt: "No, most of my conversations are smell-based."

Nat: "Darmok and Jalad at Tanagra."

oberon, Matt, and Nat, in reference to Jonathan's test page
language, philosophy, humanity, star-trek, randomness
[comment] [rate] 5/5

[link] heard: 27 February 2004
[edit] added: 28 February 2004

"Yo ho ho and a bottle of peppermint schnapps."

[comment] [rate] no rating

[link] heard: 24 November 2003
[edit] added: 24 November 2003

"We always see you, but you always come out from behind something, like a rock."

[comment] [rate] no rating

[link] heard: 15 October 2003
[edit] added: 15 October 2003

(18:53:42) Оберон: finding and translating russian biographies is easy with my intelligent dictionary/encyclopedia combination

(18:53:56) [me]: oh?

(18:54:00) Оберон: Yeah

(18:54:44) Оберон: It even translates non word-for-word

(18:54:55) Оберон: so you don't get weird artifacts from literal translations

(18:55:03) [me]: is it called Anna?

(18:55:17) Оберон: ...maybe...

(18:55:36) Оберон: I just heard a bunch of bangs from my common room

(18:55:42) Оберон: followed by "Yarr" and "Die"

[comment] [rate] 4/5

[link] heard: 15 August 2003
[edit] added: 15 August 2003

(02:54:22) Jade Solitude: Green's a good colour.

(02:54:39) Jade Solitude: I rather like this song.

(02:54:59) Jade Solitude: I just bought new speaker system, too.,

[comment] [rate] no rating

[link] heard: 28 June 2003
[edit] added: 28 June 2003

(16:52:55) Qatharsis: Singing in Russian was cool.

[comment] [rate] no rating

[link] heard: 0 June 2003
[edit] added: 15 June 2003

Fri 13 Jun:

(16:43:15) [me]: this keeps coming up entirely randomly... I'm running gaim 0.64 with rox+waimea as my session+window managers:

** (gaim:1141): CRITICAL **: file prefs.c: line 358 (gaim_prefs_get_bool): assertion `pref != NULL' failed

(17:48:08) [me]: this killed gaim 0.64:

(gaim:1273): GLib-GObject-WARNING **: gvalue.c:86: cannot initialize GValue with type `gpointer', the value has already been initialized as `gpointer'

Sat 14 Jun:

(23:25:07) [me]: you guys really need to fix this:

(gaim:7407): GLib-GObject-WARNING **: gvalue.c:86: cannot initialize GValue with type `gpointer', the value has already been initialized as `gpointer'

(23:25:07) SeanEgn : SLEEPING IN ALL CAPS AGAIN!

Sun 15 Jun:

(07:59:37) SeanEgn: no we don't

(08:02:50) [me]: oh? something I did...?

(08:03:10) [me]: or a gtk2 problem?

(08:03:45) SeanEgn: It's just that we don't really need to do anything

(08:04:04) [me]: oh, true :-P

(08:04:35) [me]: well, I found that 0.64 crashed every 10 mins or so using waimea as a wm, and now with xfwm4 only crashes once every couple hours.

(08:04:43) [me]: so I'm sticking with xfwm4 for now

(08:05:08) [me]: but 0.64 definitely has some issues that should be resolved eventually

(08:05:44) [me]: and as long as you're on the line, I have a question: is there any way to merge multiple instances of the same buddy, like 0.60 did?

(08:06:05) SeanEgn: 0.60 didn't do that

(08:06:09) [me]: it did for me

(08:06:17) SeanEgn: nope, you're wrong

(08:06:20) [me]: I have a cvs version in /opt that I can start up to prove it

(08:06:42) SeanEgn: How does a cvs version prove what 0.60 did?

(08:06:57) [me]: okay, *my* version of 0.60 does

(08:07:11) [me]: I think once you guys merged the edit buddies window and the online buddies window you got rid of that "feature" / "bug"

(08:07:11) SeanEgn: no, no version of 0.60 ever merged buddies

(08:07:15) [me]: mine did

(08:07:29) SeanEgn: No, stop being contrary and wrong.

(08:07:41) [me]: you're the one being contrary and wrong

(08:07:48) [me]: maybe you never saw it do that

(08:07:50) [me]: but it does for me

(08:07:51) SeanEgn: I'm the one who's going to stop talking to you

(08:07:59) [me]: okay, take care then

me, reporting gaim bugs to Sean Egn (a gaim developper) when the problems start to become annoying enough to warrant it.
linux, randomness, computers, stupidity, gaim-pidgin, craziness
[comment] [rate] no rating

[link] heard: 9 April 2003
[edit] added: 9 April 2003

"Yeah, yeah, whatever this chick says. No, really, I know what you mean."

[comment] [rate] no rating

[link] heard: unknown
[edit] added: unknown

"This is one of the most famous incidents in the—Jesus Christ, fucking communist bastards. Shit."

[comment] [rate] no rating

[link] heard: unknown
[edit] added: unknown

"It's like reading a really bad love story about a Colombian drug cartel and his love affair in Baja California."

[comment] [rate] no rating

[link] heard: unknown
[edit] added: 19 August 2003

"Needless to say, a poem in any proto-language translated into one of its decendants after ten or fifteen millennia have passed, will no longer rhyme."

Robert Wright, in his article "Quest for the Mother Tongue", The Atlantic Monthly, April 1991.
linguistics, language, randomness, obviousness
[comment] [rate] 2/5

[link] heard: unknown
[edit] added: unknown

"It blows fat-tailed sheeps—purple fat-tailed sheeps!"

[comment] [rate] no rating

[link] heard: unknown
[edit] added: unknown

"Tiki, Tiki, bobiki, banana bana...."

out of nowhere
weirdness, food, brandeis, randomness
[comment] [rate] no rating

[link] heard: unknown
[edit] added: unknown

"If Jehuda Reinhartz called, I'd be like 'Yo, what up Yehoo? I'm good--You good? Yeah, I'm good, we're all good.'"

[comment] [rate] no rating

[link] heard: unknown
[edit] added: unknown

"So, wait, does winamp play oggs?--[loud crashing guitar sound] Whoa, I guess so."

over the phone
music, randomness
[comment] [rate] no rating