(12:17pm May 5) Michael:
sudo stop --event=rain --location=seattle --reason="it's amost summer for crissakes"
(12:18pm May 5) Michael:
it worked! sorta.
(6:14pm May 6) [me]:
export LOCATION="Seattle";
configure --force;
sudo make rain;
hah! try and stop that!
(6:49pm May 6) Michael:
dude, wtf, it's raining again.
sudo killall make
sudo userdel -f Jonathan
(7:22pm May 6) [me]:
agh, it's starting up again here now..
mv /indiana/rain /seattle/
chmod a-rw /seattle/rain
chown Jonathan /seattle/rain
(Okay, I don't get the full points, because I didn't show the roothack I used to get my account back.)