22:03:31 [me]: :-P
22:03:43 [me]: (I started to type :-P as 'th')
22:03:54 [me]: (which was weird. but that's how I'd pronounce it)
22:03:59 [Laura]: WHAT?
22:04:05 [Laura]: th=smiley face?
22:04:09 [me]: no.
22:04:11 [me]: pronounce :-P
22:04:21 [Laura]: "smiley face"
22:04:22 [Laura]: OH
22:04:25 [Laura]: pffft
22:04:28 [me]: no
22:04:31 [Laura]: no?
22:04:32 [me]: stick your tongue out
22:04:38 [me]: no ffs if your tongue's out
22:04:39 [Laura]: pbpbpbpbpbp
22:04:51 [me]: no ps or bs either
22:04:59 [Laura]: Absolutely it's a BP
22:05:17 [Laura]: The sounds of someone blowing a raspberry sounds like a p or b to me.
22:05:25 [me]: technically it's lingua-labial
22:05:36 [me]: yeah, but in this case your tongue is involved
22:05:40 [Laura]: a TH sounds is made by blowing air over over your tongue.
22:05:52 [Laura]: Maybe mrmrmrmrmrmrmrmr
22:05:59 [me]: no, an /h/ is made by blowing air over your tongue
22:06:08 [Laura]: But i like pbpbpbpbpbpbpbp
22:06:15 [me]: but you can do that without your tongue
22:06:20 [Laura]: Yes.
22:06:26 [Laura]: True.
22:06:38 [Laura]: But it's the same sound!
22:06:42 [me]: thbt might be better
22:06:48 [Laura]: Ok, ok.
22:06:55 [Laura]: It's understandable.
22:07:07 [me]: so that's why I started writing it as 'th'
22:07:10 [me]: instead of :-P
22:07:12 [Laura]: heh.
22:07:25 [me]: that conversation is almost worthy of my quotes page
22:07:38 [Laura]: pretty much.