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Interesting things said in my presence

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[link] heard: 5 April 2005
[edit] added: 5 April 2005

(05:31:53) Laura C: people say really weird shit in your presence.

(05:33:57) [me]: such as?

(05:34:08) [me]: (and yeah, tell me about it...)

(05:34:45) Laura C: that made no sense.

(05:36:49) [me]: ?

(05:41:01) Laura C: 1. "such as?" implies that you need an example of how people say really weird shit in your presence.

2. "and yeah, tell me about it" suggests that realize that people say really weird shit in your presence.

3. your professor said "The raw act of boy fellating man would not go down well in mainstream America. No pun intended." hsfdkljsdhfksdfjhksdjfhsdkjfh!

4. you run a page of quotes of wierd shit people say in your presence.

(05:41:31) [me]: point made.

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