"Он взял хлеб, потом убежал чють-чють подальше и там стоял и кушал. Не друг, то есть, а белка."
Interesting things said in my presence
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other categories found with "squirrels": animals (6), food (3), weirdness (2), russian (2), SSSR (1)
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[edit] added: 25 February 2010
[edit] added: 13 October 2006
Jonathan: "Hey, Derek, gonna get tested for rabies?"
Derek: "Yeah, I guess I should—I wouldn't want to infect the squirrels."
[edit] added: 3 December 2005
20:23:03 [Laura]: I want a pack of black flesh eating squirrels that i can command to attack people i don't like.
20:23:37 [Laura]: Hungry squirrels. It's better than say, hungry rats, because it's so much more degrading to be killed by a squirrel than a rat.
20:24:09 [Laura]: Wouldn't you love to sic a pack of meat-eating squirrels on your enemies?
[edit] added: 6 April 2005
(00:40:12) [me]: why do you keep comparing me to a squirrel?
(00:40:19) Оберон: I dunno.
(00:40:19) [me]: don't you have some sort of vendetta against them?
(00:40:35) Оберон: Not really, I just think they're tree-rats
(00:40:42) Оберон: whereas Anna thinks they're like little cats with big tails
[edit] added: 5 April 2005
(00:35:10) Оберон: I get the vision of a squirrel eating
(00:35:18) Оберон: you know how they eat with rapid, tiny bites, looking around furtively?
(00:35:24) Оберон: the way you qualify the same statement about four times
(00:35:34) Оберон: it makes me think you're waiting for something with binocular vision to eat you
[edit] added: 4 September 2003
"So the Russians are still trading in squirrels? That could explain the value of the rouble."