"Well, Jonathan's excellent at writing twol, and I'm pretty good at hassling Jonathan to do stuff."
Interesting things said in my presence
[ sort: date / rating, ↑ ↓ ]
[edit] added: 7 July 2015
"I've gotta remember to type ‘optimality theory’ before I google ‘domination latex’."
[edit] added: 9 June 2015
"I can't read my own code. If it stops working, I basically have to start over."
[edit] added: 18 March 2002
Fran: "So I was at the bar at the airport and there was someone on the TV saying that banning same-sex marriage should be up to the states."
me: "Yeah... ☹"
Fran: "And murder legalised by school-district."
me: "Wait, what??"
Fran: "Well, I'm extrapolating."
[edit] added: 15 January 2015
(00:09:56) firespeaker: there's so much win in git
(00:10:07) firespeaker: and there's like two or three big fails
(00:10:21) vigneshv: SVN is the opposite :P
[edit] added: 28 December 2014
(23:34:45) vigneshv: 140 px :D
(23:34:54) firespeaker: vigneshv: I can think of words longer than that
(23:35:01) firespeaker: I have some 153px words
(23:35:17) sushain: (10:35:00 PM) firespeaker: I have some 153px words <- wait, was that random?
(23:35:30) sushain: or do you actually have a 153px word
(23:35:30) firespeaker: i.e., not a good measure of word-length ;)
(23:35:33) sushain: LOL
(23:35:34) sushain: ok
(23:35:35) vigneshv: ill change
(23:35:40) firespeaker: point made? ;)
[edit] added: 27 December 2014
(01:51:13) sushain: .g xkcd workflow
(01:51:13) begiak: sushain: http://xkcd.com/1172/
(01:51:18) sushain: google is magic
(01:51:26) firespeaker: so is begiak
(01:51:38) sushain: begiak is like a grumpy old wizard
(01:51:48) sushain: sometimes it doesn't even try
[edit] added: 10 December 2014
basically what i should do is, hang out with her and every time she rolls her eyes about someone, demand to meet that person
[edit] added: 2 December 2014
(21:11:05) firespeaker: you guys are so much better at git than me :-P
(21:11:22) firespeaker: I'm a dinosaur, from back in the days of cvs
(21:11:33) sushain: that reminds me of a kesha song
[edit] added: 22 August 2014
(03:55:29) taylskid: well they get the girl
(03:55:36) taylskid: so they don't care about the other stuff
(03:55:45) jonorthwash: yeah
(03:55:50) jonorthwash: "get"
(03:56:18) jonorthwash: not in the romance movie sense of the word
(03:56:38) jonorthwash: more like in the horror movie sense of the word