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Category: artsiness


most quoted re "artsiness": Jonathan North Washington (4), oberon (2), other (2), Tristan Alexander McLeay (1), Aladnsane (1)

other categories found with "artsiness": sadness (3), analogies (2), wisdom (2), love (1), emoness (1)

Viewing 8 of 1473 Result(s)
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[link] heard: 18 September 2003
[edit] added: 18 September 2003

(02:48:11) [me]: the song "ty poterjal" is great. "ty poterjal moi ruki i guby. ty poterjal potomu chto ty glupy"

(02:48:31) оберон(l): you lost my arms and something

(02:48:37) оберон(l): you lost because you're dumb

(02:49:14) [me]: my hands and my lips

(02:49:21) оберон(l): ah

(02:49:32) оберон(l): yes, the two most important parts of a woman *snicker*

(02:49:36) [me]: rofl

(02:49:53) оберон(l): seriously; who comes up with that crap?

(02:50:25) оберон(l): "Oh, but should I live to see another sunrise, even as the sun does bow before your splendor, I would be no richer, for I have bathed in the light of your beauty"

(02:50:28) оберон(l): yadda yadda yadda

(02:50:31) оберон(l): it really does sound like that

(02:50:50) оберон(l): seriously, that's not love

(02:51:00) оберон(l): that's "someone put some bitter crap in my coffee and I think I have the flu"

[comment] [rate] 4/5

[link] heard: 25 July 2005
[edit] added: 25 July 2005

"Measuring an artlang by the number of speakers is like measuring the importance of a painting by the number of postcards sold with its picture on it."

Jan van Steenbergen
language, analogies, artsiness, wisdom, conlangs
[comment] [rate] 3/5

[link] heard: 27 November 2007
[edit] added: 27 November 2007

(22:26:59) [me]: the one where the guy didn't know how to take a pciture?

(22:27:16) Amanda: yeah but the one where "the guy" was me

[comment] [rate] no rating

[link] heard: 1 June 2007
[edit] added: 2 June 2007

"I'm going to be in the art building tomorrow at noon, with beer, rocks, and paint."

[comment] [rate] no rating

[link] heard: 15 June 2003
[edit] added: 15 June 2003

(01:09:10) оберон - desktop: I use to let people choose fonts/colors

(01:09:14) оберон - desktop: then I found out people are morons

(01:09:17) оберон - desktop: pink on green

(01:09:19) оберон - desktop: green on black

(01:09:26) оберон - desktop: tiny white text on pink

(01:09:44) оберон - desktop: I realized that their "artistic choices" contributed nothing to their communications

(01:09:44) оберон - desktop: and often detracted from it

[comment] [rate] no rating

[link] heard: 15 May 2008
[edit] added: 15 May 2008

(19:13:11) kesuari: well, i suppose they say one way to become a great artist is to copy everyone else

(19:13:26) kesuari: well, copy the great artists i mean

(19:13:37) kesuari: someone who wanted to paint well shouldn't copy any drawings i've done

[comment] [rate] no rating

[link] heard: 9 June 2008
[edit] added: 9 June 2008

(15:45:30) [me]: you make gourmet food from foodbank handouts?

(15:45:39) Aladnsane: This is the PNW.

(15:46:07) Aladnsane: Foodbank handouts are raw ingredients, some canned goods, bakery rosemary diamantes, fresh fruit and veg... *shrug*

(15:46:15) Aladnsane: If you know how to take your pick, yes, I do


(15:49:05) Aladnsane: Seriously though; the Food Bank here is amazing

(15:50:49) Aladnsane: I've gotten fresh bell peppers, fresh cilantro, there's ALWAYS good bread (largely because most people going there have families, so they need whitebread for the kids, because they don't seem to realize that kids are /trained/ to be picky, rather than being naturally picky - it's serving them 'kids food', that makes kids picky), I mean, there's always things that are hard to find,

(15:50:51) [me]: in Seattle, I can imagine

(15:51:06) Aladnsane: Bellingham

(15:51:13) Aladnsane: In Seattle, I could get all of that Dumpster Diving

[comment] [rate] no rating

[link] heard: 4 October 2010
[edit] added: 4 October 2010

"I don't think I would've gotten in a car with that guy even if I did know his name. That's probably just because the sketch artists made him look extra sketchy."

"...Which is probably why they call them sketch artists."

[comment] [rate] no rating