Aaron B [01:31]: well, i'm trying to be "le formal" so i don't "le fail" "le class" [ view | more ]



Interesting things said in my presence

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Amanda Wright
Amanda's a linguistics major who is now in the Air Force. I was her ~TA when she took Phonology. She's studied French, Spanish, and Hebrew, and has been trying to learn Russian on her own.

top categories: weirdness (3), sadness (3), stupidity (3), sex (2), animals (2)

most quoted with: Jonathan North Washington (6), Abe Solomon (1)

(BETA) Amanda Wright's quotes have been rated 2 times, with an average rating of 2.5/5


Viewing 9 of 1473 Result(s)
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[link] heard: 10 February 2008
[edit] added: 10 February 2008

(18:11:23) Amanda: you meet the most random people in the most random countries

(18:11:49) Amanda: like, i've never met a norwegian person EVER, and you meet one in like, east bum, planet jupiter

(18:11:58) Amanda: ... i say this bc i forget which country you're in now

[comment] [rate] no rating

[link] heard: 17 December 2007
[edit] added: 16 December 2007

(01:29:38) Amanda: look at my smileys

(01:29:46) Amanda: >:o angry!

(01:30:44) [me]: ..

(01:31:37) Amanda: you see my lo9bster?

(01:32:00) [me]: what?


(01:32:39) Amanda: no my smiley faces are lobsters

(01:32:55) [me]: oh

(01:32:58) [me]: yeah, they kind of are

(01:32:59) [me]: it's weird

(01:33:14) Amanda: no they're literally lobsters

(01:33:22) Amanda: do you see them?

(01:33:47) [me]: ....

(01:33:53) [me]: then how about I say "no" this time

(01:34:01) [me]: no

(01:34:03) [me]: I haven't seen them

(01:34:08) Amanda: 'm confused

[comment] [rate] no rating

[link] heard: 27 November 2007
[edit] added: 27 November 2007

(22:26:59) [me]: the one where the guy didn't know how to take a pciture?

(22:27:16) Amanda: yeah but the one where "the guy" was me

[comment] [rate] no rating

[link] heard: 21 February 2007
[edit] added: 21 February 2007

(19:22:10) [me]: I'd totally do Korean

(19:22:17) Amanda: awnyunk haseo!

(19:22:23) Amanda: naaay awnyung haseo!

(19:22:26) [me]: .. I don't *know* Korean

(19:22:30) Amanda: me either

(19:22:47) Amanda: i mimic the korean phrases i heard my korean student frie3nds using all th time

(19:22:56) Amanda: and one time i was just like making korean sounding noises

(19:23:02) Amanda: and some kid was like oh which teaching team do you have?

(19:23:05) Amanda: and i'm like uh the arabic one

[comment] [rate] 3/5

[link] heard: 5 March 2006
[edit] added: 5 March 2006

20:27:37 [me]: btw, your husband seems to bear some uncanny resemblance to Tom Cruise

20:28:23 [Amanda]: you think he looks like tom cruise?!

20:28:24 [Amanda]: that's awesome

20:28:28 [Amanda]: i think he looks like a chicken

20:28:32 [Amanda]: ... a cute one tho

[comment] [rate] no rating

[link] heard: 6 March 2004
[edit] added: 7 March 2004

"I bought the coolest book this weekend, and we can play really fun games with it. And it isn't the Kama Sutra."

[comment] [rate] no rating

[link] heard: 29 February 2004
[edit] added: 29 February 2004

(04:52:12) [me]: Plastic Cup

(04:52:22) Amanda: sounds like an emo band

playing a word associations game..
language, music, weirdness
[comment] [rate] no rating

[link] heard: 29 February 2004
[edit] added: 29 February 2004

Jonathan: "But then why does /ʔəɾə-/ become [pɾi-]?"

Aaron & Amanda: "`Price'. That's English."

Jonathan, helping Aaron and Amanda with phonology homeowrk
linguistics, slowness, stupidity, phonetics
[comment] [rate] 2/5

[link] heard: 27 February 2004
[edit] added: 28 February 2004

"Yo ho ho and a bottle of peppermint schnapps."

[comment] [rate] no rating