"Are you guys getting me a chancellorship for Hannukah? I want to be chancellor of Germany for Hannukah." [ view | more ]



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Category: cuteness


most quoted re "cuteness": Jonathan North Washington (2), Vickie F (1), Luz (1), Rianna (1), Derek Gulas (1)

other categories found with "cuteness": animals (3), analogies (2), death (2), sex (1), scariness (1)

Viewing 4 of 1473 Result(s)
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[link] heard: 13 October 2006
[edit] added: 13 October 2006

[Derek feeds squirrel bread]

Jonathan: "Hey, Derek, gonna get tested for rabies?"

Derek: "Yeah, I guess I should—I wouldn't want to infect the squirrels."

[comment] [rate] 4/5

[link] heard: 2 October 2006
[edit] added: 7 October 2006

"That's like pulling an assault rifle on a horde of bunnies! A horde of bunnies in a cage!"

in reference to the Amish school shootings
sadness, animals, badness, death, violence, cuteness
[comment] [rate] no rating

[link] heard: 23 March 2006
[edit] added: 23 March 2006

21:24:31 [Hannah]: http://community.livejournal.com/baaaaabyanimals/1902984.html?#cutid1

21:24:32 [Hannah]: eew?

21:28:01 [me]: rofl, what is that, an aardvark?

21:28:19 [Hannah]: yeah

21:28:23 [me]: it's like a proto-mamal

21:28:26 [Hannah]: lol

21:28:28 [me]: it is!

21:28:41 [Hannah]: not cute is what it is

21:29:10 [me]: like, its feet are kind of prehistoric-looking, it's body is generic mamal, and it's head's evolved for sniffing out and sucking up ants

21:29:20 [me]: it's head's like the only part of it that's evolved

my 2¢ on aardvarks, based on a post to the baaaaabyanimals community on lj sent to me by Hannah
animals, cuteness, weirdness, time, analogies
[comment] [rate] no rating

[link] heard: 27 March 2005
[edit] added: 27 March 2005

"This is soo cute. This is like middle school on crack."

[comment] [rate] no rating