"Yeah, there's only one chick in software engineering. Unless you count Kolb."
Interesting things said in my presence
most quoted with: Jon Sagotsky (2), Jonathan North Washington (1), Adam Batkin (1)
(BETA) Jeremy K's quotes haven't yet been rated. You should rate some!
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2003 |
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[edit] added: 18 June 2003
(01:27:22) Adam Batkin: Legal or pirated?
(01:27:28) [me]: hah, like it'd be legal
(01:27:36) Adam Batkin: Where do you get it?
(01:27:45) [me]: Jon Sagotsky and Jeremy Kolb
(01:28:10) Adam Batkin: That sounds safe
(01:29:00) [me]: iis that sarcasm?
(01:29:49) [me]: from Jon's profile (and away message both), something said by Jeremy (presumably to Jon):
(22:25:53) [Jeremy]: you are devilish and evil and embody all that is dark and creepy. you are the master of the bowels of hell, a rival to the great one himself. you absolutely exude evilness and your intelligence and brain power blows mine away. i can't even comprehend your majesty
(01:29:57) [me]: oh yeah, reeeaal safe
(01:30:11) [me]: they aren't safe people!
(01:30:14) Adam Batkin: Wow
(01:30:14) Adam Batkin: Well
(01:30:17) [me]: but then neither am I
(01:30:20) Adam Batkin: I was serious
(01:30:37) Adam Batkin: I'm glad you wanted to live with them