
Interesting things said in my presence

20)) ? "" : $_REQUEST["topic"] ; $source = (empty($_REQUEST["source"])) ? "" : $_REQUEST["source"] ; $start_quote = (empty($_REQUEST["start_quote"])) ? "" : $_REQUEST["start_quote"] ; $search = (empty($_REQUEST["search"])) ? "" : $_REQUEST["search"] ; $search = ""; # disable searching until I can get it to work :( $rating = (empty($_REQUEST["rating"])) ? "" : $_REQUEST["rating"] ; $heard = (empty($_REQUEST["heard"])) ? "" : $_REQUEST["heard"] ; $added = (empty($_REQUEST["added"])) ? "" : $_REQUEST["added"] ; $offset = (empty($_REQUEST["offset"])) ? "" : $_REQUEST["offset"] ; $limit = (empty($_REQUEST["limit"])) ? "" : $_REQUEST["limit"] ; $by = (empty($_REQUEST["by"])) ? "" : $_REQUEST["by"] ; $order = (empty($_REQUEST["order"])) ? "" : $_REQUEST["order"] ; if ($offset=="") $offset = 0; function get_sep($cur_url) { if ($cur_url!="") $sep = "&"; else $sep = "?"; return $sep; } function get_cur_url($elems) { $cur_url = ""; foreach($elems as $elem) { if (!empty($_REQUEST[$elem])) { if ($_REQUEST[$elem]!="") { $cur_url .= get_sep($cur_url); $cur_url .= $elem."="; $cur_url .= $_REQUEST[$elem]; }} } return $cur_url; } if ($who!=""||$topic!="") $order="DESC"; if ($by=="") $by="date"; if ($order=="") $order="ASC"; if ($by!="") { if ($by=="rating") $sort = "quotes.ranking"; if ($by=="date") $sort = "quotes.date_said"; if ($order!="") { if ($order=="DESC") $sort .= " DESC"; if ($order=="ASC") $sort .= " ASC"; } else { $sort .= " DESC"; } } else { $sort = "id DESC"; } include("inc_search.php"); if ($id!="") { list($header, $footer, $result_quotes) = search_id($id, $link); # JNW disable searching #} elseif ($search!="") { # list($header, $footer, $result_quotes) = search_search($search, $sort, $link); } elseif ($rating!="") { list($header, $footer, $result_quotes) = search_rating($rating, $offset, $lq, $link); } elseif ($heard!=""||$added!="") { list($header, $footer, $result_quotes) = search_date($heard, $added, $sort, $link); } elseif ($who!="") { if ($topic!="") { list($header, $footer, $result_quotes) = search_whotopic($who, $topic, $sort, $link); } else { list($header, $footer, $result_quotes) = search_who($who, $sort, $link); } } elseif ($topic!="") { list($header, $footer, $result_quotes) = search_topic($topic, $sort, $link); } elseif ($topic=="") { list($header, $footer, $result_quotes) = search_other($start_quote, $how_many, $last_quote, $link); setcookie("highest_quote",$last_quote,mktime(0,0,0,1,1,2008),"/","firespeaker.org"); } print $header."\n
\n"; #$num_total = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT FOUND_ROWS();", $link)); $num_total = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(*) as count FROM quotes;", $link)); $num_results = mysql_num_rows($result_quotes); print "
\n"; print "
Viewing ".$num_results." of ".$num_total['count']." Result(s)
\n"; print "".$display_sortby."
\n"; print "

\n"; print "
\n"; while ($quotes = mysql_fetch_array($result_quotes)) { print display_quote_wrap($quotes['date_said'], $quotes['date_added'], $quotes['quote'], $quotes['who'], $quotes['comment'], (empty($quotes['categories'])) ? "" : $quotes['categories'], $quotes['id'], $quotes['ranking'], $link); } print "
\n"; print "
\n"; ?>